Microsoft Azure PowerShell: cmdlets mariadb
Get-AzMariaDbConfiguration |
Gets information about a configuration of server. |
Get-AzMariaDbConnectionString |
Get connection string of a MariaDB under a given framework. |
Get-AzMariaDbFirewallRule |
Gets information about a server firewall rule. |
Get-AzMariaDbReplica |
List all the replicas for a given server. |
Get-AzMariaDbServer |
Gets information about a server. |
Get-AzMariaDbVirtualNetworkRule |
Gets a virtual network rule. |
New-AzMariaDbFirewallRule |
Creates a new firewall rule or updates an existing firewall rule. |
New-AzMariaDbReplica |
Creates a replica of a MariaDB server. |
New-AzMariaDbServer |
Create a new MariaDB. |
New-AzMariaDbVirtualNetworkRule |
Creates or updates an existing virtual network rule. |
Remove-AzMariaDbFirewallRule |
Deletes a server firewall rule. |
Remove-AzMariaDbServer |
Deletes a server. |
Remove-AzMariaDbVirtualNetworkRule |
Deletes the virtual network rule with the given name. |
Restart-AzMariaDbServer |
Restarts a server. |
Restore-AzMariaDbServer |
Restore a MariaDB from a existing MariaDB. |
Update-AzMariaDbConfiguration |
Updates a configuration of a server. Use Update-AzMariaDbServer instead if you want update AdministratorLoginPassword, sku, etc. |
Update-AzMariaDbFirewallRule |
Creates a new firewall rule or updates an existing firewall rule. |
Update-AzMariaDbServer |
Updates an existing server. The request body can contain one to many of the properties present in the normal server definition. Use Update-AzMariaDbConfiguration instead if you want update server parameters such as wait_timeout or net_retry_count. |
Update-AzMariaDbVirtualNetworkRule |
Creates or updates an existing virtual network rule. |