Compartilhar via

Classe Tuple

Represents an ordered collection of members from different hierarchies.

Hierarquia de herança

System. . :: . .Object

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient (em Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class Tuple
Dim instance As Tuple
public sealed class Tuple
public ref class Tuple sealed
type Tuple =  class end
public final class Tuple

O tipo Tuple expõe os membros a seguir.


  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública Members Gets an instance of the MemberCollection class from the Tuple.
Propriedade pública TupleOrdinal Gets the ordinal position of the Tuple.



  Nome Descrição
Método público Equals Determines whether two instances of System..::..Object are equal. (Substitui Object. . :: . .Equals(Object).)
Método protegido Finalize (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetHashCode Serves as a hash function for a particular type, for use in hashing algorithms and data structures such as hash tables. (Substitui Object. . :: . .GetHashCode() () () ().)
Método público GetType (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Herdado de Object.)
Método público ToString (Herdado de Object.)



  Nome Descrição
Operador públicoMembro estático Equality Determines whether two specified instances of Tuple are equal.
Operador públicoMembro estático Inequality Determines whether two specified instances of Tuple are not equal.



A tuple consists of an ordered collection of members.

A tuple cannot contain more than one member from any single hierarchy.

In ADOMD.NET, a Tuple is used to represent a tuple by encapsulating the collection of Member objects that define the tuple. Tuple objects can be referenced only through the Tuples property of a Set.


The following function, given a Tuple, examines the object and returns a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) string representation of the tuple:

Public Function GetTupleString(ByRef TupleToConvert As Tuple) As String
    If TupleToConvert Is Nothing Then
        Throw New System.ArgumentNullException("TupleToConvert")
        Dim tupleCount As Integer = TupleToConvert.Members.Count
        Dim tupleIndex As Integer = 0

        If tupleCount = 0 Then
            ' An empty tuple.
            Return "()"
            ' Iterate through each member in the Members collection,
            ' adding the value of the UniqueName property to a
            ' string.
            ' Because a tuple can represent many members, this
            ' example uses a StringBuilder object to improve
            ' string handling performance.
            Dim tupleString As New _
                System.Text.StringBuilder(15 * tupleCount)

            ' Tuples are framed with parentheses, with each member
            ' within a tuple separated by a comma.
            For tupleIndex = 0 To tupleCount - 1
                tupleString.Append( _
                If tupleIndex < (tupleCount - 1) Then
                    tupleString.Append(", ")
                End If

            Return tupleString.ToString
        End If
    End If
End Function

Segurança de thread

Qualquer membro público static (Shared no Visual Basic) desse tipo é seguro para threads. Não há garantia de que qualquer membro de instância seja seguro para threads.