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Propriedade SqlStandardLogin

Gets or sets the login when using SQL Server Authentication.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo (em Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll)


Public Property SqlStandardLogin As String
Dim instance As PublisherConnectionSecurityContext
Dim value As String

value = instance.SqlStandardLogin

instance.SqlStandardLogin = value
public string SqlStandardLogin { get; set; }
property String^ SqlStandardLogin {
    String^ get ();
    void set (String^ value);
member SqlStandardLogin : string with get, set
function get SqlStandardLogin () : String
function set SqlStandardLogin (value : String)

Valor da propriedade

Tipo: System. . :: . .String
A String value.


Quando possível, use a Autenticação do Windows. 

This property is only required when the SecurityMode property is set to SqlStandard.

This namespace, class, or member is supported only in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework.