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Membros JobHistoryFilter

The JobHistoryFilter object is used to store information about the constraints applied to the EnumJobHistory method of the JobServer object.

O tipo JobHistoryFilter expõe os seguintes membros.


  Nome Descrição
Método público JobHistoryFilter Initializes a new instance of the JobHistoryFilter class.



  Nome Descrição
Método público Equals (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido Finalize (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetHashCode (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetType (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Herdado de Object.)
Método público ToString (Herdado de Object.)



  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública EndRunDate Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to the date the job completed running.
Propriedade pública JobID Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to the job specified by the job ID value.
Propriedade pública JobName Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to the job specified by the name of the job.
Propriedade pública MinimumRetries Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to jobs that have failed and been retried for minimum number of times specified.
Propriedade pública MinimumRunDuration Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to jobs that have completed running in the minimum length of time specified.
Propriedade pública OldestFirst Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the jobs are listed in oldest-first order or in newest-first order.
Propriedade pública OutcomeTypes Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to jobs that have the specified outcome at completion.
Propriedade pública SqlMessageID Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to jobs that have generated the specified message during execution.
Propriedade pública SqlSeverity Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to jobs that have generated an error of the specified severity during execution.
Propriedade pública StartRunDate Gets or sets the job filter constraint that restricts the values returned by the JobServer object's EnumJobHistory method to the date the job started running.
