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Propriedade do RDL LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind

Gets or sets a value that describes the kind of event filter that is set, whether included or excluded.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS (em Microsoft.SqlServer.ManagedDTS.dll)


Public Property EventFilterKind As DTSEventFilterKind 
Dim instance As LoggingOptions 
Dim value As DTSEventFilterKind 

value = instance.EventFilterKind

instance.EventFilterKind = value
public DTSEventFilterKind EventFilterKind { get; set; }
property DTSEventFilterKind EventFilterKind {
    DTSEventFilterKind get ();
    void set (DTSEventFilterKind value);
member EventFilterKind : DTSEventFilterKind with get, set
function get EventFilterKind () : DTSEventFilterKind 
function set EventFilterKind (value : DTSEventFilterKind)

Valor da propriedade

Tipo: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSEventFilterKind
A value from the DTSEventFilterKind enumeration that indicates whether the events added to the EventFilter are included or excluded from the Event Log.


For more information, see Habilitando o registro em log programaticamente.


The following code example enables logging on a package, adds a log provider, then displays the default value of the EventFilterKind. Using the DTSEventFilterKind enumeration, the default value is changed.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;

namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.SSIS.Sample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Package pkg = new Package();
            pkg.LoggingMode = DTSLoggingMode.Enabled;
            LogProvider log1 = pkg.LogProviders.Add("DTS.LogProviderTextFile.1");
            LoggingOptions lOpts = pkg.LoggingOptions;
            Console.WriteLine("EventFilterKind: {0}", pkg.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind.ToString());

            pkg.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind = DTSEventFilterKind.Inclusion;
            Console.WriteLine("EventFilterKind: {0}", pkg.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind.ToString());
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.SSIS.Sample
    Class Program
        Shared  Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
            Dim pkg As Package =  New Package() 
            pkg.LoggingMode = DTSLoggingMode.Enabled
            Dim log1 As LogProvider =  pkg.LogProviders.Add("DTS.LogProviderTextFile.1") 
            Dim lOpts As LoggingOptions =  pkg.LoggingOptions 
            Console.WriteLine("EventFilterKind: {0}", pkg.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind.ToString())
            pkg.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind = DTSEventFilterKind.Inclusion
            Console.WriteLine("EventFilterKind: {0}", pkg.LoggingOptions.EventFilterKind.ToString())
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

Sample Output:

EventFilterKind: Exclusion

EventFilterKind: Inclusion

Consulte também


LoggingOptions Classe

Namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime