Troubleshooting Configuration Manager 2007

Aplica-se a: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

If you experience problems in your Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 deployment, you should first see if your problem might be caused by security, disk space, dependent technologies, network connectivity, or time synchronization.

Security     Configuration Manager 2007 uses services to connect clients to servers and servers to servers. Some connections use the computer account and some connections require user accounts to be created and configured in the Configuration Manager 2007 console. If Configuration Manager 2007 does not have the correct permissions to make the connections, the Configuration Manager 2007 operations will fail. Also, users running the Configuration Manager 2007 console must have appropriate rights and permissions granted through WMI, DCOM, NTFS, and Configuration Manager 2007. For more information, see Accounts and Groups in Configuration Manager and Overview of Configuration Manager Object Security and WMI

Disk space    Packages, software updates, inventory, and collected files can use significant amounts of disk space. Verify that the site database has sufficient disk space to expand. Verify that the site server and site systems have sufficient disk space to store the required data.

Dependent technologies    Configuration Manager 2007 has many dependencies on technologies such as Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Installer, and Internet Information Services (IIS). Problems that manifest in Configuration Manager 2007 might actually be the result of incorrectly configured or missing prerequisite technologies. Search the Configuration Manager Documentation Library for "prerequisite" or consult the documentation for the dependent technology.

Network connectivity    Verify that the client and server computers can connect to each other and perform name resolution.

Time synchronization    Members of Active Directory domains should automatically synchronize to a domain controller, but workgroup clients or clients in domains with significant time drift might have issues with anything requiring a schedule, such as a mandatory advertisement, a certificate expiration date, or a maintenance window. Verify that daylight savings time issues are not affecting time synchronization.

Troubleshooting content will be updated as more information is available. Troubleshooting information for specific features is repeated here.

Nesta seção

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For additional information, see Configuration Manager 2007 Information and Support.
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