_IMSVidCtlEvents interface
This topic applies to Windows XP or later.
The _IMSVidCtlEvents interface is used to receive events from the Video Control.
This interface is an outgoing connection-point interface. To receive events from the Video Control, implement this interface in your application. Then call the IConnectionPoint::Advise method on the Video Control to establish a connection.
_IMSVidCtlEvents is a dispinterface, invoked through IDispatch. The dispatch identifier is DIID__IMSVidCtlEvents.
The _IMSVidCtlEvents interface inherits from the IDispatch interface. _IMSVidCtlEvents also has these types of members:
- Methods
The _IMSVidCtlEvents interface has these methods.
Method | Description |
Click | Called when a user clicks anywhere on the Video Control's rectangle. |
DblClick | Called when a user double-clicks on the Video Control's rectangle. |
Error | Called when an error occurs in the control or the underlying filter graph. Currently no errors are defined for this event. |
KeyDown | Called when the user presses a key. |
KeyPress | Called when the user presses and releases a key. |
KeyUp | Called when the user releases a key. |
MouseDown | Called when the user presses the left mouse key down while the mouse pointer is over the Video Control. |
MouseMove | Called when the user moves the mouse pointer over the Video Control. |
MouseUp | Called when the user releases the left mouse button while the mouse pointer is over the Video Control. |
StateChange | Called when the state of the Video Control changes. |
Header |
Msvidctl.h |
Msvidctl.idl |
Video Control Event Interfaces
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Build date: 10/27/2012