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How to Register and Unregister a Publishing Server by Using the Management Console

You can register and unregister publishing servers that will synchronize with the App-V 5.0 management server. You can also see the last attempt that the publishing server made to synchronize the information with the management server.

Use the following procedure to register or unregister a publishing server.

To register a publishing server using the Management Console

  1. Connect to the Management Console and select Servers. For more information about how to connect to the Management Console, see How to Connect to the Management Console.

  2. A list of publishing servers that already synchronize with the management server is displayed. Click Register New Server to register a new server.

  3. Type a computer name of a domain joined computer on the Server Name line, to specify a name for the server. You should also include a domain name, for example, MyDomain\TestServer. Click Check.

  4. Select the computer and click Add to add the computer to the list of servers. The new server will be displayed in the list.

To unregister a publishing server using the Management Console

  1. Connect to the Management Console and select Servers. For more information about how to connect to the Management Console, see How to Connect to the Management Console.

  2. A list of publishing servers that synchronize with the management server is displayed.

  3. To unregister the server, right-click the computer name and select the computer name and select unregister server.

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Operations for App-V 5.0