Validate and verify data

The following describes who does what to validate and verify data to upload in Microsoft Viva Insights:

  • Owner - Viva Insights admin and data analysts with full access
  • Task - Ensure that Microsoft 365 data is available and ready for analysis, ensure the correct organizational data has been uploaded and is ready for analysis.
  • Outcome - Viva Insights admins are comfortable that data has been provisioned successfully, and data analysts are comfortable with the data and ready to use Viva Insights for their analysis.

After final provisioning is complete, Viva Insights admins and data analysts can use the Data sources section to verify that Microsoft 365 and organizational data are loaded and ready for use.

By using data source metrics, Viva Insights admins and data analysts can:

  • Verify that Microsoft 365 data is available for analysis for the expected number of measured employees.
  • Work with the internal suppliers of organizational data (HR information system admins, LOB system admins, or data analysts) to verify that the necessary data has been loaded as expected.

By using data source metrics, Viva Insights data analysts can:

  • Get a high-level picture of the data that is available for analysis.
  • Verify that the organizational data they need for their specific analysis is available.
  • Feel comfortable that the data is applicable to the business problem being analyzed.

To view metrics for data sources

  • In Viva Insights, select Sources in the left navigation bar.

Data sources in Viva Insights