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TraceColumn Enum


Represent the trace event columns.

public enum TraceColumn
type TraceColumn = 
Public Enum TraceColumn


ActivityID 46

The activity ID is used to track the request(s) from the same operation.

ApplicationContext 52

The value of the ApplicationContext XMLA property as provided by external applications to assist with end-to-end correlation of user activities.

ApplicationName 37

Name of the client application that created the connection to the server. This column is populated with the values passed by the application rather than the displayed name of the program.

CalculationExpression 48

Expression being evaluated when error occurred.

ClientHostName 35

Name of the computer on which the client is running. This data column is populated if the host name is provided by the client.

ClientProcessID 36

The process ID of the client application.

ConnectionID 25

Unique connection ID.

CpuTime 6

Amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) used by the event.

CurrentTime 2

Time at which the event started, when available. For filtering, expected formats are 'YYYY-MM-DD' and 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.

DatabaseFriendlyName 54

User defined name of the database in which the statement of the user is running.

DatabaseName 28

Name of the database in which the statement of the user is running.

Duration 5

Amount of time (in milliseconds) taken by the event.

EndTime 4

Time at which the event ended. This column is not populated for starting event classes, such as SQL:BatchStarting or SP:Starting. For filtering, expected formats are 'YYYY-MM-DD' and 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.

Error 24

Error number of a given event.

ErrorType 49

Error Type: 0 = unknown, 1 = user, 2 = system.

EventClass 0

Event Class is used to categorize events.

EventSubclass 1

Event Subclass provides additional information about each event class.

FunctionName 50

Name of the Dax extension function being executed.

GraphCorrelationID 53


Identity 55

Identity information of current user

IntegerData 10

Integer data.

JobID 7

Job ID for progress.

Label 56

Label of the event

NTCanonicalUserName 40

User name in canonical form. For example,

NTDomainName 33

Windows domain to which the user belongs.

NTUserName 32

Windows user name.

ObjectID 11

Object ID (note this is a string).

ObjectName 13

Object name.

ObjectPath 14

Object path. A comma-separated list of parents, starting with the object's parent.

ObjectReference 15

Object reference. Encoded as XML for all parents, using tags to describe the object.

ObjectType 12

Object type.

ProgressTotal 9

Progress total.

RequestID 47

The request ID is used to track a request.

RequestParameters 44

Parameters for parameterized queries and commands.

RequestProperties 45

XMLA request properties.

ServerName 43

Name of the server producing the event.

SessionID 39

Session GUID.

SessionType 8

Session type (what entity caused the operation).

Severity 22

Severity level of an exception.

Spid 41

Server process ID. This uniquely identifies a user session. This directly corresponds to the session GUID used by XML/A.

StartTime 3

Time at which the event started, when available. For filtering, expected formats are 'YYYY-MM-DD' and 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.

Success 23

1 = success. 0 = failure (for example, a 1 means success of a permissions check and a 0 means a failure of that check).

TextData 42

Text data associated with the event.

UserObjectID 51

User Object ID.

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