Attribute.Equals(Object) Método
Algumas informações se referem a produtos de pré-lançamento que podem ser substancialmente modificados antes do lançamento. A Microsoft não oferece garantias, expressas ou implícitas, das informações aqui fornecidas.
Retorna um valor que indica se essa instância é igual a um objeto especificado.
override bool Equals(System::Object ^ obj);
public override bool Equals (object obj);
public override bool Equals (object? obj);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (obj As Object) As Boolean
se obj
e esta instância forem do mesmo tipo e tiverem valores de campo idênticos; caso contrário, false
O exemplo a seguir define duas classes de parâmetro Attribute personalizadas e, em seguida, cria vários objetos de cada classe e usa o Equals método para compará-los.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
// Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
public ref class ArgumentUsageAttribute: public Attribute
// usageMsg is storage for the attribute message.
String^ usageMsg;
// This is the attribute constructor.
ArgumentUsageAttribute( String^ UsageMsg )
this->usageMsg = UsageMsg;
// Override ToString() to append the message to what the base generates.
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Concat( Attribute::ToString(), ":", usageMsg );
} ;
// Define a custom parameter attribute that generates a GUID for each instance.
public ref class ArgumentIDAttribute : Attribute
// instanceGUID is storage for the generated GUID.
Guid instanceGUID;
// This is the attribute constructor, which generates the GUID.
this->instanceGUID = Guid::NewGuid();
// Override ToString() to append the GUID to what the base generates.
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Concat( Attribute::ToString(), ".", instanceGUID.ToString() );
public ref class TestClass
// Assign an ArgumentID attribute to each parameter.
// Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
void TestMethod( [ArgumentID][ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")]array<String^>^strArray,
[ArgumentID][ArgumentUsage("Can pass param list or array here.")]array<String^>^strList ){}
int main()
// Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object
// for TestMethod to access its metadata.
Type^ clsType = TestClass::typeid;
MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "TestMethod" );
// There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
array<ParameterInfo^>^pInfoArray = mInfo->GetParameters();
if (pInfoArray != nullptr)
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute^ arrayUsageAttr1 = static_cast<ArgumentUsageAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 0 ], ArgumentUsageAttribute::typeid ));
// Create another instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute^ arrayUsageAttr2 = static_cast<ArgumentUsageAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 0 ], ArgumentUsageAttribute::typeid ));
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
ArgumentUsageAttribute^ listUsageAttr = static_cast<ArgumentUsageAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 1 ], ArgumentUsageAttribute::typeid ));
// Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
ArgumentIDAttribute^ arrayIDAttr1 = static_cast<ArgumentIDAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 0 ], ArgumentIDAttribute::typeid ));
// Create another instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
ArgumentIDAttribute^ arrayIDAttr2 = static_cast<ArgumentIDAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 0 ], ArgumentIDAttribute::typeid ));
// Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strList.
ArgumentIDAttribute^ listIDAttr = static_cast<ArgumentIDAttribute^>(Attribute::GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[ 1 ], ArgumentIDAttribute::typeid ));
// Compare various pairs of attributes for equality.
Console::WriteLine( "\nCompare a usage attribute instance to "
"another instance of the same attribute:" );
Console::WriteLine( " \"{0}\" == \n \"{1}\" ? {2}", arrayUsageAttr1->ToString(), arrayUsageAttr2->ToString(), arrayUsageAttr1->Equals( arrayUsageAttr2 ) );
Console::WriteLine( "\nCompare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:" );
Console::WriteLine( " \"{0}\" == \n \"{1}\" ? {2}", arrayUsageAttr1->ToString(), listUsageAttr->ToString(), arrayUsageAttr1->Equals( listUsageAttr ) );
Console::WriteLine( "\nCompare an ID attribute instance to "
"another instance of the same attribute:" );
Console::WriteLine( " \"{0}\" == \n \"{1}\" ? {2}", arrayIDAttr1->ToString(), arrayIDAttr2->ToString(), arrayIDAttr1->Equals( arrayIDAttr2 ) );
Console::WriteLine( "\nCompare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:" );
Console::WriteLine( " \"{0}\" == \n \"{1}\" ? {2}", arrayIDAttr1->ToString(), listIDAttr->ToString(), arrayIDAttr1->Equals( listIDAttr ) );
Console::WriteLine( "The parameters information could not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo->Name );
The example displays an output similar to the following:
Compare a usage attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
"ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here." ==
"ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here." ? True
Compare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:
"ArgumentUsageAttribute:Must pass an array here." ==
"ArgumentUsageAttribute:Can pass param list or array here." ? False
Compare an ID attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
"ArgumentIDAttribute.22d1a176-4aca-427b-8230-0c1563e13187" ==
"ArgumentIDAttribute.7fa94bba-c290-48e1-a0de-e22f6c1e64f1" ? False
Compare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:
"ArgumentIDAttribute.22d1a176-4aca-427b-8230-0c1563e13187" ==
"ArgumentIDAttribute.b9eea70d-9c0f-459e-a984-19c46b6c8789" ? False
using System;
using System.Reflection;
// Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Parameter )]
public class ArgumentUsageAttribute : Attribute
// This is the attribute constructor.
public ArgumentUsageAttribute( string UsageMsg )
this.usageMsg = UsageMsg;
// usageMsg is storage for the attribute message.
protected string usageMsg;
// Override ToString() to append the message to what the base generates.
public override string ToString( )
return $"{base.ToString()}: {usageMsg}";
// Define a custom parameter attribute that generates a GUID for each instance.
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Parameter )]
public class ArgumentIDAttribute : Attribute
// This is the attribute constructor, which generates the GUID.
public ArgumentIDAttribute( )
this.instanceGUID = Guid.NewGuid( );
// instanceGUID is storage for the generated GUID.
protected Guid instanceGUID;
// Override ToString() to append the GUID to what the base generates.
public override string ToString( )
return $"{base.ToString()}.{instanceGUID.ToString()}";
public class TestClass
// Assign an ArgumentID attribute to each parameter.
// Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
public void TestMethod(
[ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")]
String[] strArray,
[ArgumentUsage("Can pass param list or array here.")]
params String[] strList)
{ }
class AttributeEqualsDemo
// Create Attribute objects and compare them.
static void Main()
// Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object
// for TestMethod to access its metadata.
Type clsType = typeof( TestClass );
MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("TestMethod");
// There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
ParameterInfo[] pInfoArray = mInfo.GetParameters();
if (pInfoArray != null)
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr1 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0],
typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );
// Create another instance of the argument usage attribute
// on strArray.
ArgumentUsageAttribute arrayUsageAttr2 = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0],
typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
ArgumentUsageAttribute listUsageAttr = (ArgumentUsageAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[1],
typeof(ArgumentUsageAttribute) );
// Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
ArgumentIDAttribute arrayIDAttr1 = (ArgumentIDAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0],
typeof(ArgumentIDAttribute) );
// Create another instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
ArgumentIDAttribute arrayIDAttr2 = (ArgumentIDAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[0],
typeof(ArgumentIDAttribute) );
// Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strList.
ArgumentIDAttribute listIDAttr = (ArgumentIDAttribute)
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute( pInfoArray[1],
typeof(ArgumentIDAttribute) );
// Compare various pairs of attributes for equality.
Console.WriteLine("\nCompare a usage attribute instance to " +
"another instance of the same attribute:" );
Console.WriteLine($" \"{arrayUsageAttr1}\" == \n" +
$" \"{arrayUsageAttr2}\"? {arrayUsageAttr1.Equals( arrayUsageAttr2)}");
Console.WriteLine("\nCompare a usage attribute to " +
"another usage attribute:" );
Console.WriteLine($" \"{arrayUsageAttr1}\" == \n" +
$" \"{listUsageAttr}\"? {arrayUsageAttr1.Equals(listUsageAttr)}");
Console.WriteLine("\nCompare an ID attribute instance to " +
"another instance of the same attribute:" );
Console.WriteLine($" \"{ arrayIDAttr1}\" == \n" +
$" \"{arrayIDAttr2}\"? {arrayIDAttr1.Equals(arrayIDAttr2)}");
Console.WriteLine("\nCompare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:" );
Console.WriteLine($" \"{arrayIDAttr1}\" == \n" +
$" \"{listIDAttr}\"? {arrayIDAttr1.Equals(listIDAttr)}");
Console.WriteLine( "The parameters information could " +
"not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo.Name);
The example displays an output similar to the following:
// Compare a usage attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here." ==
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here."? True
// Compare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here." ==
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Can pass param list or array here."? False
// Compare an ID attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.22d1a176-4aca-427b-8230-0c1563e13187" ==
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.7fa94bba-c290-48e1-a0de-e22f6c1e64f1"? False
// Compare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.22d1a176-4aca-427b-8230-0c1563e13187" ==
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.b9eea70d-9c0f-459e-a984-19c46b6c8789"? False
open System
// Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
type ArgumentUsageAttribute(usageMsg) =
inherit Attribute()
// Override ToString() to append the message to what the base generates.
override _.ToString() =
$"%s{base.ToString()}: %s{usageMsg}"
// Define a custom parameter attribute that generates a GUID for each instance.
type ArgumentIDAttribute() =
inherit Attribute()
let instanceGUID = Guid.NewGuid()
// Override ToString() to append the GUID to what the base generates.
override _.ToString() =
$"%s{base.ToString()}: %O{instanceGUID}"
type TestClass() =
// Assign an ArgumentID attribute to each parameter.
// Assign an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
member _.TestMethod(
[<ArgumentUsage "Must pass an array here.">]
strArray: string [],
[<ArgumentUsage "Can pass param list or array here.">]
strList: string []) = ()
// Create Attribute objects and compare them.
// Get the class type, and then get the MethodInfo object
// for TestMethod to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<TestClass>
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "TestMethod"
// There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
let pInfoArray = mInfo.GetParameters()
if pInfoArray <> null then
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
let arrayUsageAttr1 =
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray[0], typeof<ArgumentUsageAttribute>)
:?> ArgumentUsageAttribute
// Create another instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
let arrayUsageAttr2 =
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray[0], typeof<ArgumentUsageAttribute>)
:?> ArgumentUsageAttribute
// Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
let listUsageAttr =
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray[1], typeof<ArgumentUsageAttribute>)
:?> ArgumentUsageAttribute
// Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
let arrayIDAttr1 =
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray[0], typeof<ArgumentIDAttribute>)
:?> ArgumentIDAttribute
// Create another instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
let arrayIDAttr2 =
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray[0], typeof<ArgumentIDAttribute>)
:?> ArgumentIDAttribute
// Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strList.
let listIDAttr =
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray[1], typeof<ArgumentIDAttribute>)
:?> ArgumentIDAttribute
// Compare various pairs of attributes for equality.
printfn "\nCompare a usage attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:"
printfn $" \"{arrayUsageAttr1}\" == \n \"{arrayUsageAttr2}\"? {arrayUsageAttr1.Equals( arrayUsageAttr2)}"
printfn "\nCompare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:"
printfn $" \"{arrayUsageAttr1}\" == \n \"{listUsageAttr}\"? {arrayUsageAttr1.Equals(listUsageAttr)}"
printfn "\nCompare an ID attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:"
printfn $" \"{ arrayIDAttr1}\" == \n \"{arrayIDAttr2}\"? {arrayIDAttr1.Equals(arrayIDAttr2)}"
printfn "\nCompare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:"
printfn $" \"{arrayIDAttr1}\" == \n \"{listIDAttr}\"? {arrayIDAttr1.Equals(listIDAttr)}"
printfn $"The parameters information could not be retrieved for method {mInfo.Name}."
// The example displays an output similar to the following:
// Compare a usage attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here." ==
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here."? True
// Compare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here." ==
// "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Can pass param list or array here."? False
// Compare an ID attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.22d1a176-4aca-427b-8230-0c1563e13187" ==
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.7fa94bba-c290-48e1-a0de-e22f6c1e64f1"? False
// Compare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.22d1a176-4aca-427b-8230-0c1563e13187" ==
// "ArgumentIDAttribute.b9eea70d-9c0f-459e-a984-19c46b6c8789"? False
Imports System.Reflection
' Define a custom parameter attribute that takes a single message argument.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)> _
Public Class ArgumentUsageAttribute : Inherits Attribute
' This is the attribute constructor.
Public Sub New(UsageMsg As String)
Me.usageMsg = UsageMsg
End Sub
' usageMsg is storage for the attribute message.
Protected usageMsg As String
' Append the message to what the base generates.
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return $"{MyBase.ToString()}: {usageMsg}"
End Function
End Class
' Define a custom parameter attribute that generates a GUID for each instance.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)> _
Public Class ArgumentIDAttribute : Inherits Attribute
' This is the attribute constructor, which generates the GUID.
Public Sub New()
Me.GUIDinstance = Guid.NewGuid()
End Sub
' instanceGUID is storage for the generated GUID.
Protected GUIDinstance As Guid
' Append the GUID to what the base generates.
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return $"{MyBase.ToString()}.{ GUIDinstance}"
End Function
End Class
Public Class TestClass
' Assign an ArgumentID and an ArgumentUsage attribute to each parameter.
Public Sub TestMethod(
<ArgumentID, ArgumentUsage("Must pass an array here.")>
strArray() As String,
<ArgumentID, ArgumentUsage("Can pass param list or array here.")>
ParamArray strList() As String)
End Sub
End Class
Module AttributeEqualsDemo
Sub Main()
' Get the class type.
Dim clsType As Type = GetType(TestClass)
' Get the MethodInfo object for TestMethod to access its metadata.
Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("TestMethod")
' There will be two elements in pInfoArray, one for each parameter.
Dim pInfoArray As ParameterInfo() = mInfo.GetParameters()
If pInfoArray IsNot Nothing Then
' Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
Dim arrayUsageAttr1 As ArgumentUsageAttribute =
' Create another instance of the argument usage attribute on strArray.
Dim arrayUsageAttr2 As ArgumentUsageAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(0), _
' Create an instance of the argument usage attribute on strList.
Dim listUsageAttr As ArgumentUsageAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(1), _
' Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
Dim arrayIDAttr1 As ArgumentIDAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(0), _
' Create another instance of the argument ID attribute on strArray.
Dim arrayIDAttr2 As ArgumentIDAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(0), _
' Create an instance of the argument ID attribute on strList.
Dim listIDAttr As ArgumentIDAttribute = _
Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(pInfoArray(1), _
' Compare various pairs of attributes for equality.
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Compare a usage attribute instance " & _
"to another instance of the same attribute:")
Console.WriteLine($" ""{arrayUsageAttr1}"" = {vbCrLf}" +
$" ""{arrayUsageAttr2}""? {arrayUsageAttr1.Equals(arrayUsageAttr2)}")
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
"Compare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:")
Console.WriteLine($" ""{arrayUsageAttr1}"" = {vbCrLf}" +
$" ""{listUsageAttr}""? {arrayUsageAttr1.Equals(listUsageAttr)}")
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Compare an ID attribute instance " & _
"to another instance of the same attribute:")
Console.WriteLine($" ""{arrayIDAttr1}"" = {vbCrLf}" +
$" ""{arrayIDAttr2}""? {arrayIDAttr1.Equals(arrayIDAttr2)}")
Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
"Compare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:")
Console.WriteLine($" ""{arrayIDAttr1}"" ={vbCrLf}" +
$" ""{listIDAttr}"" ? {arrayIDAttr1.Equals(listIDAttr)}")
Console.WriteLine("The parameters information could " & _
"not be retrieved for method {0}.", mInfo.Name)
End If
End Sub
End Module
' The example displays an output similar to the following:
' Compare a usage attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
' "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here." =
' "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here."? True
' Compare a usage attribute to another usage attribute:
' "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Must pass an array here." =
' "ArgumentUsageAttribute: Can pass param list or array here."? False
' Compare an ID attribute instance to another instance of the same attribute:
' "ArgumentIDAttribute.d4f78468-f1d0-4a08-b6da-58cad249f8ea" =
' "ArgumentIDAttribute.9b1151bd-9c87-4e9f-beb0-92375f8c24f7"? False
' Compare an ID attribute to another ID attribute:
' "ArgumentIDAttribute.d4f78468-f1d0-4a08-b6da-58cad249f8ea" =
' "ArgumentIDAttribute.7eba47d0-ff29-4e46-9740-e0ba05b39947"? False
O Equals método usa reflexão para recuperar informações de campo para a instância atual e o obj
argumento. Em seguida, ele compara valores de campo.
Ao implementar sua própria classe derivada, Attributevocê pode substituir o Equals método. Como ele usa reflexão, recomendamos que você faça isso. No entanto, sua substituição deve executar um teste padrão para igualdade de referência (os dois argumentos representam a mesma instância de objeto) ou igualdade de valor (os dois argumentos são do mesmo tipo e têm valores de campo idênticos). Se você quiser executar uma comparação personalizada para determinar se dois objetos de atributo são iguais, você pode substituir o Match método.
Produto | Versões |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7 |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |