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Html32TextWriter Construtores


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Html32TextWriter.



Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Html32TextWriter que usa o recuo de linha especificado no campo DefaultTabString quando o navegador solicitante requer recuo de linha.

Html32TextWriter(TextWriter, String)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Html32TextWriter que usa o recuo de linha especificado.


Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Html32TextWriter que usa o recuo de linha especificado no campo DefaultTabString quando o navegador solicitante requer recuo de linha.

 Html32TextWriter(System::IO::TextWriter ^ writer);
public Html32TextWriter (System.IO.TextWriter writer);
new System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter : System.IO.TextWriter -> System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter
Public Sub New (writer As TextWriter)



O TextWriter que renderiza o conteúdo HTML.


O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra como usar uma classe personalizada derivada da Html32TextWriter classe . Ele tem dois construtores, que é padrão para todas as classes que derivam direta ou indiretamente da HtmlTextWriter classe .

using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace Examples.AspNet
    public class CustomHtml32TextWriter : Html32TextWriter
        // Create a constructor for the class
        // that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer) 
            : this(writer, DefaultTabString) 

        // Create a constructor for the class that takes
        // a TextWriter and a string as parameters.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer, String tabString) 
            : base(writer, tabString)
        // Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        // styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        protected override string RenderBeforeContent()
            // Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            // HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            // SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            // opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            // the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            // attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "<b>";
                    return "<font color=\"FF0000\">";

            // Check whether the element being rendered
            // is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            // value of the SupportsItalic property.
            // If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            // prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            // render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            // with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            // value for navy blue.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "<i>";
                    return "<font color=\"000080\">";
            // Call the base method.
            return base.RenderBeforeContent();

        // Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        // styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        // method.
        protected override string RenderAfterContent()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            // If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            // render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            // render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "</b>";
                    return "</font>";

            // Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            // element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            // formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            // If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "</i>";
                    return "</font>";
            // Call the base method
            return base.RenderAfterContent();

        // Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        // opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        // any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        protected override string RenderBeforeTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            // <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            // of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "<small>";
            return base.RenderBeforeTag();

        // Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        // close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        // method call.
        protected override string RenderAfterTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an
            // <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            // <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "</small>";
            return base.RenderAfterTag();
' Create a custom HtmlTextWriter class that overrides 
' the RenderBeforeContent and RenderAfterContent methods.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI

Namespace Examples.AspNet

   Public Class CustomHtml32TextWriter
      Inherits Html32TextWriter

        ' Create a constructor for the class
        ' that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter)
            Me.New(writer, DefaultTabString)
        End Sub

        ' Create a constructor for the class that takes
        ' a TextWriter and a string as parameters. 
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter, ByVal tabString As String)
            MyBase.New(writer, tabString)
        End Sub

        ' Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        ' styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeContent() As String
            ' Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            ' HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            ' SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            ' opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            ' the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            ' attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If (SupportsBold) Then
                    Return "<b>"
                    Return "<font color=""FF0000"">"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered
            ' is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            ' value of the SupportsItalic property.
            ' If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            ' prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            ' render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            ' with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            ' value for navy blue.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "<i>"
                    Return "<font color=""000080"">"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        ' styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        ' method.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterContent() As String

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            ' If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            ' render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            ' render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If SupportsBold Then
                    Return "</b>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            ' element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            ' formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            ' If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "</i>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        ' opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        ' any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            ' <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            ' of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "<small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeTag()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        ' close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        ' method call.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an
            ' <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            ' <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "</small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterTag()
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace


O Html32TextWriter construtor passa o valor do DefaultTabString campo para uma segunda versão que tem os dois parâmetros a seguir:

  • writer, que usa uma instância da TextWriter classe .

  • tabString, que usa uma cadeia de caracteres que define o recuo de linha.

Aplica-se a

Html32TextWriter(TextWriter, String)

Inicializa uma nova instância da classe Html32TextWriter que usa o recuo de linha especificado.

 Html32TextWriter(System::IO::TextWriter ^ writer, System::String ^ tabString);
public Html32TextWriter (System.IO.TextWriter writer, string tabString);
new System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter : System.IO.TextWriter * string -> System.Web.UI.Html32TextWriter
Public Sub New (writer As TextWriter, tabString As String)



O TextWriter que renderiza o conteúdo HTML 3.2.


Uma cadeia de caracteres que representa o número de espaços definidos pelo Indent.


O exemplo de código a seguir demonstra como usar uma classe personalizada derivada da Html32TextWriter classe . Ele tem dois construtores, que é padrão para todas as classes que derivam direta ou indiretamente da HtmlTextWriter classe .

using System.IO;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace Examples.AspNet
    public class CustomHtml32TextWriter : Html32TextWriter
        // Create a constructor for the class
        // that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer) 
            : this(writer, DefaultTabString) 

        // Create a constructor for the class that takes
        // a TextWriter and a string as parameters.
        public CustomHtml32TextWriter(TextWriter writer, String tabString) 
            : base(writer, tabString)
        // Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        // styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        protected override string RenderBeforeContent()
            // Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            // HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            // SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            // opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            // the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            // attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "<b>";
                    return "<font color=\"FF0000\">";

            // Check whether the element being rendered
            // is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            // value of the SupportsItalic property.
            // If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            // prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            // render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            // with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            // value for navy blue.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "<i>";
                    return "<font color=\"000080\">";
            // Call the base method.
            return base.RenderBeforeContent();

        // Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        // styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        // method.
        protected override string RenderAfterContent()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            // If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            // render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            // render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.Th)
                if (SupportsBold)
                    return "</b>";
                    return "</font>";

            // Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            // element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            // formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            // If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.H4)
                if (SupportsItalic)
                    return "</i>";
                    return "</font>";
            // Call the base method
            return base.RenderAfterContent();

        // Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        // opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        // any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        protected override string RenderBeforeTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            // <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            // of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "<small>";
            return base.RenderBeforeTag();

        // Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        // close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        // method call.
        protected override string RenderAfterTag()
            // Check whether the element being rendered is an
            // <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            // <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            if (TagKey == HtmlTextWriterTag.A)
                return "</small>";
            return base.RenderAfterTag();
' Create a custom HtmlTextWriter class that overrides 
' the RenderBeforeContent and RenderAfterContent methods.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI

Namespace Examples.AspNet

   Public Class CustomHtml32TextWriter
      Inherits Html32TextWriter

        ' Create a constructor for the class
        ' that takes a TextWriter as a parameter.
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter)
            Me.New(writer, DefaultTabString)
        End Sub

        ' Create a constructor for the class that takes
        ' a TextWriter and a string as parameters. 
        Public Sub New(ByVal writer As TextWriter, ByVal tabString As String)
            MyBase.New(writer, tabString)
        End Sub

        ' Override the RenderBeforeContent method to render
        ' styles before rendering the content of a <th> element.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeContent() As String
            ' Check the TagKey property. If its value is
            ' HtmlTextWriterTag.TH, check the value of the 
            ' SupportsBold property. If true, return the
            ' opening tag of a <b> element; otherwise, render
            ' the opening tag of a <font> element with a color
            ' attribute set to the hexadecimal value for red.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If (SupportsBold) Then
                    Return "<b>"
                    Return "<font color=""FF0000"">"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered
            ' is an <H4> element. If it is, check the 
            ' value of the SupportsItalic property.
            ' If true, render the opening tag of the <i> element
            ' prior to the <H4> element's content; otherwise, 
            ' render the opening tag of a <font> element 
            ' with a color attribute set to the hexadecimal
            ' value for navy blue.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "<i>"
                    Return "<font color=""000080"">"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterContent method to close
        ' styles opened during the call to the RenderBeforeContent
        ' method.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterContent() As String

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is a <th> element.
            ' If so, and the requesting device supports bold formatting,
            ' render the closing tag of the <b> element. If not,
            ' render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Th Then
                If SupportsBold Then
                    Return "</b>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If

            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an <H4>.
            ' element. If so, and the requesting device supports italic
            ' formatting, render the closing tag of the <i> element.
            ' If not, render the closing tag of the <font> element.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.H4 Then
                If (SupportsItalic) Then
                    Return "</i>"
                    Return "</font>"
                End If
            End If
            ' Call the base method.
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterContent()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderBeforeTag method to render the
        ' opening tag of a <small> element to modify the text size of 
        ' any <a> elements that this writer encounters.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderBeforeTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an 
            ' <a> element. If so, render the opening tag
            ' of the <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "<small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderBeforeTag()
        End Function

        ' Override the RenderAfterTag method to render
        ' close any elements opened in the RenderBeforeTag
        ' method call.
        Protected Overrides Function RenderAfterTag() As String
            ' Check whether the element being rendered is an
            ' <a> element. If so, render the closing tag of the
            ' <small> element; otherwise, call the base method.
            If TagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.A Then
                Return "</small>"
            End If
            Return MyBase.RenderAfterTag()
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

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