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2.49 Attribute minPwdAge

For a given security principle, this attribute specifies the minimum amount of time that a password can be used. It is stored as a negative FILETIME, which represents a period of time expressed in a negative number of 100-nanosecond time slices. For example, a period of 20 minutes is represented as:


 cn: Min-Pwd-Age
 ldapDisplayName: minPwdAge
 attributeId: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.78
 omSyntax: 65
 isSingleValued: TRUE
 schemaIdGuid: bf9679c2-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2
 systemOnly: FALSE
 searchFlags: 0
 attributeSecurityGuid: c7407360-20bf-11d0-a768-00aa006e0529

Version-Specific Behavior: First implemented on Windows 2000 Server operating system.

The schemaFlagsEx attribute was added to this attribute definition in Windows Server 2008 operating system.