Enumeração RootIfValue

Enumerates how the root member or members of a parent attribute are identified.

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (em Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


public enum RootIfValue


Nome do membro Descrição
ParentIsBlank Only members with a null, a zero, or an empty string in the key columns represented by KeyColumns are treated as root members.
ParentIsBlankSelfOrMissing Only members that meet one or more of the conditions described for ParentIsBlank, ParentIsSelf, or ParentIsMissing are treated as root members.
ParentIsMissing Only members with parents that cannot be found are treated as root members.
ParentIsSelf Only members with themselves as parents are treated as root members.

Consulte também


Namespace Microsoft.AnalysisServices