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Classe ServerConnection

The ServerConnection object represents a connection to a server.

Hierarquia de herança


Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo (em Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class ServerConnection _
    Inherits ConnectionManager _
    Implements ISfcConnection
Dim instance As ServerConnection
public sealed class ServerConnection : ConnectionManager, 
public ref class ServerConnection sealed : public ConnectionManager, 
type ServerConnection =  
        inherit ConnectionManager 
        interface ISfcConnection 
public final class ServerConnection extends ConnectionManager implements ISfcConnection

O tipo ServerConnection expõe os membros a seguir.


  Nome Descrição
Método público ServerConnection() Initializes a new instance of the ServerConnection class.
Método público ServerConnection(SqlConnection) Initializes a new instance of the ServerConnection class with the specified connection parameters.
Método público ServerConnection(String) Initializes a new instance of the ServerConnection class with the specified server instance.
Método público ServerConnection(SqlConnectionInfo) Initializes a new instance of the ServerConnection class with the specified connection information.
Método público ServerConnection(String, String, SecureString) Initializes a new instance of the ServerConnection class with the specified server instance and logon credentials.
Método público ServerConnection(String, String, String) Initializes a new instance of the ServerConnection class with the specified server instance and logon credentials.



  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública ApplicationName Gets or sets the name of the application that has established the connection with the server. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública AutoDisconnectMode Gets or sets the automatic disconnection mode of the referenced connection to the instance of SQL Server. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública BatchSeparator Gets or sets the string value used to separate batches in the referenced connection.
Propriedade pública CapturedSql Gets the Transact-SQL statements that are captured when the connection is running in capture mode. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública ConnectAsUser Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is established using impersonation. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública ConnectAsUserName Gets or sets the name of the user when connecting using impersonation. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública ConnectAsUserPassword Gets or sets the password for the user when connecting using impersonation. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública ConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string used to establish a connection with a specified data source. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública ConnectionType Gets the type of connection to use in the server.
Propriedade pública ConnectTimeout Gets or sets the connection time-out period in seconds. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública DatabaseEngineType Gets the database engine type. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública DatabaseName Gets or sets the database required by the connection. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública EncryptConnection Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is encrypted. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública FixedServerRoles Gets the fixed server role associated with the referenced connection.
Propriedade pública InUse Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is being used. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública IsForceDisconnected Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the connection was forcibly disconnected. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública IsOpen Gets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection is currently open. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública LockTimeout Gets or sets the time in seconds required for the connection to time out when the current transaction is locked. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública Login Gets or sets the logon required to establish a connection with the instance of the server. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública LoginSecure Gets or sets the Boolean property that specifies whether the connection is established to the server by using Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública MaxPoolSize Gets or sets the maximum number of connections in a connection pool that the specified connection accepts when establishing a connection with a server. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública MinPoolSize Gets or sets the minimum number of connections in a connection pool that the specified connection accepts when establishing a connection with a server. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública MultipleActiveResultSets Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether more than one active result set is permitted. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública NetworkProtocol Gets or sets the network protocol used to establish the connection to the server. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública NonPooledConnection Gets or sets the Boolean property value that specifies whether the connection may be pooled or nonpooled. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública PacketSize Gets or sets the packets of data sent between the client and the server over the network in bytes. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade públicaMembro estático ParameterizationMode Gets or sets the parameterization mode for the server connection.
Propriedade pública Password Gets or sets the password used with the logon to establish a connection with the server when SQL Server Authentication is used. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública PooledConnectionLifetime Gets or sets the lifetime of the pooled connection. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública ProcessID Gets the ID value that uniquely identifies the process associated with the referenced connection to the server.
Propriedade pública SecureConnectionString Gets or sets an encrypted version of the connection string. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública SecurePassword Gets or sets the secure password used with the logon to establish a connection with the server when SQL Server Authentication is used. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública ServerInstance Gets or sets the name of the server. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)
Propriedade pública ServerVersion Gets the version of the connected instance of SQL Server. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública SqlConnectionObject Gets the connection object. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Propriedade pública SqlExecutionModes Gets or sets the execution mode associated with the referenced connection to the server.
Propriedade pública StatementTimeout Gets or sets the number of seconds a statement is given to run before failing with a time-out error.
Propriedade pública TransactionDepth Gets the current transaction depth for the referenced connection.
Propriedade pública TrueLogin Gets the current logon record name used by the referenced connection.
Propriedade pública TrueName Gets the name of the server.
Propriedade públicaMembro estático UseMode Gets or sets the server connection using a specified mode.
Propriedade pública UserProfile Gets the user profile associated with the referenced connection.
Propriedade pública WorkstationId Gets or sets the ID value that uniquely identifies the workstation. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)



  Nome Descrição
Método público BeginTransaction Starts a transaction on the referenced connection.
Método público Cancel Cancels the connection.
Método público ChangePassword(SecureString) Changes the login password that is used with standard authentication.
Método público ChangePassword(String) Changes the logon password that is used with standard authentication.
Método público CommitTransaction Commits the current transaction on the referenced connection.
Método público Connect Connects to the instance of SQL Server. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Método público Copy Returns a copy of the ServerConnection object.
Método público Disconnect Disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Método público Equals (Herdado de Object.)
Método público ExecuteNonQuery(StringCollection) Executes a batch of statements that do not return a result set.
Método público ExecuteNonQuery(String) Executes a statement that does not return a result set.
Método público ExecuteNonQuery(StringCollection, ExecutionTypes) Executes a batch of statements with the specified execution options that does not return a result set.
Método público ExecuteNonQuery(String, ExecutionTypes) Executes a statement with the specified execution options that does not return a result set.
Método público ExecuteReader(String) Executes Transact-SQL statements that return one or multiple result sets.
Método público ExecuteReader(String, SqlCommand%) Executes a reader using a SqlDataReader object value that contains one or more result sets.
Método público ExecuteScalar(StringCollection) Executes a batch of Transact-SQL statements and returns the first column of the first row as an object value.
Método público ExecuteScalar(String) Executes a Transact-SQL statement and returns the first column of the first row as an object value.
Método público ExecuteWithResults(StringCollection) Executes a batch of Transact-SQL statements that return multiple result sets.
Método público ExecuteWithResults(String) Executes a Transact-SQL statement that returns a result set.
Método público ForceDisconnected Forces a disconnect from the instance of SQL Server. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Método público GetHashCode (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetType (Herdado de Object.)
Método público IsInFixedServerRole Tests whether the logon associated with the referenced connection is a member of the specified fixed server role.
Método públicoMembro estático NormalizeQuery(String) Uses a string input that represents the query text.
Método públicoMembro estático NormalizeQuery(String, Boolean) Normalizes the query that controls the server connection.
Método público RollBackTransaction Rolls back the current transaction.
Método público ToString Returns the referenced object name as a string. (Herdado de ConnectionSettings.)



  Nome Descrição
Evento público InfoMessage The event that occurs when the instance of SQL Server generates an informational message.  (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Evento público RemoteLoginFailed This event occurs when a remote login fails to connect to the instance of SQL Server. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Evento público ServerMessage The event that occurs when SQL Server returns a warning or informational message on the current connection. (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Evento público StateChange The event that occurs when the instance of SQL Server changes state.  (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)
Evento público StatementExecuted The event that occurs when the instance of SQL Server executes a statement on the current connection.  (Herdado de ConnectionManager.)


Implementações de interfaces explícitas

  Nome Descrição
Implementações de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado ISfcConnection.Connect Returns a value that indicates the server to connect using an SFC connection.
Implementações de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado ISfcConnection.Copy Uses the SFC connection to copy the server connection.
Implementações de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado ISfcConnection.Disconnect Disconnects the connection.
Implementações de interfaces explícitasPropriedade privada ISfcConnection.ServerVersion Gets the version of the server.
Implementações de interfaces explícitasMétodo privado ISfcConnection.ToEnumeratorObject Renders an enumerator object for the server connection.



The ServerConnection class is served by the Server class and replication classes such as the ReplicationServer class.

Typically, you don't have to declare an instance of the ServerConnection object because it is created automatically with the Server object. Declare a ServerConnection object variable if you want to store the connection settings for re-use. The ConnectionContext property of the Server object points to a ServerConnection object. The ServerConnection object contains properties that relate to the connection between the Server object and the instance of SQL Server. You can use it to view or modify certain aspects of the connection, such as the process ID, processing transactions, the authentication mode, execution mode, and even to run Transact-SQL commands directly.

By using the ServerConnection object, you can do the following:

  • Run Transact-SQL statements directly over the connection to the instance of SQL Server.

  • Change the connection settings, such as the authentication method.

  • Begin, commit and roll back transactions.

  • Capture the Transact-SQL statements generated by the SMO application.


For another example of this method with the Database object, see [M:Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database.ExecuteNonQuery(System.String].


'Declare a ServerConnection object variable to specify SQL authentication, login and password.
Dim conn As New ServerConnection
conn.LoginSecure = False
conn.Login = vlogin
conn.Password = vpassword
'Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server.
Dim srv As Server
srv = New Server(conn)
'The actual connection is made when a property is retrieved.
'The connection is automatically disconnected when the Server variable goes out of scope.


$conn = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection
$conn.LoginSecure = $FALSE
$conn.Login = vlogin
$conn.Password = vpassword
#Connect to the local, default instance of SQL Server
$srv = new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($conn)
Write-Host $srv.Information.Version

Segurança de thread

Qualquer membro público static (Shared no Visual Basic) desse tipo é seguro para threads. Não há garantia de que qualquer membro de instância seja seguro para threads.

Consulte também


Namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common

Outros recursos

Conectando-se a uma instância do SQL Server

Conectando-se a uma instância do SQL Server