UIRibbonFramework object
Implements the IUIFramework interface.
Use any of the following to retrieve a reference to the object:
CoCreateInstance | Call CoCreateInstance setting the class ID (CLSID) parameter to CLSID_UIRibbonFramework. |
The following example demonstrates a basic framework initialization function.
// FUNCTION: InitializeFramework(HWND)
// PURPOSE: Initialize the Ribbon framework and bind a Ribbon to the application.
// hWnd - Handle to the Ribbon host application window.
// In order to get a Ribbon to display, the Ribbon framework must be initialized.
// This involves three important steps:
// 1) Instantiate the Ribbon framework object (CLSID_UIRibbonFramework).
// 2) Pass the host HWND and IUIApplication object to the framework.
// 3) Load the binary markup compiled by the UI Command Compiler (UICC.exe).
bool InitializeFramework(HWND hWnd)
// Instantiate the Ribbon framework object.
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
return false;
// Create the application object (IUIApplication) and call the
// framework Initialize method, passing the application object and the
// host HWND that the Ribbon will attach itself to.
CComObject<CApplication> *pApplication = NULL;
hr = pApplication->QueryInterface(&g_pApplication);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
return false;
hr = g_pFramework->Initialize(hWnd, g_pApplication);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
return false;
// Load the binary markup.
// Initiate callbacks to the IUIApplication object that was
// provided to the framework earlier and bind command handler(s)
// to individual commands.
hr = g_pFramework->LoadUI(GetModuleHandle(NULL), L"APPLICATION_RIBBON");
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
return false;
return true;
Minimum supported client |
Windows 7, Windows Vista with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Vista [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only] |
Header |
Uiribbon.h |
Uiribbon.idl |
Uiribbon.dll |
CLSID_UIRibbonFramework is defined as 926749fa-2615-4987-8845-c33e65f2b957 |