Ldp Overview

Tool Location

The Ldp GUI tool is included when you install Windows Server 2003 Support Tools from the product CD or from the Microsoft Download Center (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=100114). For more information about how to install Windows Support Tools from the product CD, see Install Windows Support Tools (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=62270).

Ldp.exe: LDP Tool

This GUI tool is a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client that allows users to perform operations (such as connect, bind, search, modify, add, delete) against any LDAP-compatible directory, such as Active Directory. LDP is used to view objects stored in Active Directory along with their metadata, such as security descriptors and replication metadata.


  • LDP is a GUI-based, Windows Explorer–like utility with a scope pane on the left that is used for navigating through the Active Directory namespace, and a details pane on the right that is used for displaying the results of the LDAP operations. Any text displayed in the details pane can be selected with the mouse and "copied" to the Clipboard.

Corresponding UI

LDP comes with its own user interface. For more information about the LDP user interface, read LDP.doc in the Program Files\Support Tools directory.


  • You need Microsoft Word or a compatible viewer to view Ldp.doc. You can download a free version of Microsoft Word Viewer from the Microsoft Office Download Center.


It is highly recommended that you read the Understanding LDAP white paper on the Microsoft Web site before continuing with this document.

System Requirements

The following are the system requirements for LDP:

  • A connection to an LDAP server
  • Windows Server 2003

File Required

  • Ldp.exe

Consulte Também

Ldp Remarks
Ldp UI
Ldp Examples
Alphabetical List of Tools
Search Overview
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Repadmin Overview
Ldp Overview
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Acldiag Overview