Sql Virtual Machines - Delete

Deletes a SQL virtual machine.

DELETE https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/{sqlVirtualMachineName}?api-version=2023-10-01

URI Parameters

Name In Required Type Description
path True


Name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.

path True


Name of the SQL virtual machine.

Regex pattern: ^((?!_)[^\\/"'\[\]:|<>+=;,?*@&]{1,64}(?<![.-]))$

path True


Subscription ID that identifies an Azure subscription.

query True


API version to use for the request.


Name Type Description
200 OK

Successfully deleted the SQL virtual machine.

202 Accepted

Deleting the SQL virtual machine.


Location: string

204 No Content

The specified SQL virtual machine does not exist.

Other Status Codes


*** Error Responses: ***

  • 400 RestoreJobIdsMismatch - Restore Job Id mismatch, current restore job id is {0} while input is {1}.

  • 400 RestoreJobSetToAutoCutover - Restore Job is set to AutoCutover. No Operation will be accept except Cancel.

  • 400 DuplicateTargetDatabaseName - Two or more target databases have the same name: '{0}'.

  • 400 AutoBackupEncryptionPasswordNotSpecified - Password not provided when enabling encryption as auto backup setting.

  • 400 BackupScheduleTypeNotSet - Backup schedule type needs to be set.

  • 400 BackupStorageCredentialsNotSpecified - Backup storage credentials are not specified.

  • 400 KeyVaultCredentialsNotSpecified - Key vault credentials not specified.

  • 400 SqlCredentialsNotSpecified - SQL Server credentials are not specified.

  • 400 IncompleteAutoPatchingSettings - Incomplete auto patching settings specified.

  • 400 IncompleteAutoBackupSettings - Incomplete auto backup settings specified.

  • 400 IncompleteSqlStorageSettings - Incomplete SQL storage settings specified.

  • 400 InvalidVmResourceIdChange - Virtual machine resource id property cannot be updated.

  • 400 SqlVmAlreadyIncludedInGroup - SQL virtual machine cannot be moved from one group to another in same operation.

  • 400 SqlVmCannotRemoveFromGroup - SQL virtual machine cannot be removed from group.

  • 400 VmLocationMismatch - VM location does not match that of SQL virtual machine.

  • 400 VmInsufficientPermission - Insufficient permission to Vm.

  • 400 SingleNicOnVmAllowed - Only Single NIC virtual machines are allowed in a SQL VM Group.

  • 400 InvalidSqlVmGroupResourceIdParameterValue - SQL virtual machine group resource id is not in correct format.

  • 400 MismatchVmGroupSubscription - Subscription id for SQL virtual machine and SQL virtual machine group are different.

  • 400 IncompleteDomainCredentialsProperty - Incomplete input provided for domain credentials property.

  • 400 BYOLChangeToPAYGNotSupported - The conversion from AHUB to PAYG is not supported for BYOL images

  • 400 InvalidVmResourceIdParameterValue - Provided virtual machine resource id is not valid.

  • 400 MismatchInSqlVmAndVmResourceIdSubscription - Mismatch in subscription id for SQL virtual machine and virtual machine resource id property.

  • 400 MismatchSqlVmAndVmName - SQL virtual machine name is not same as the virtual machine name provided on VirtualMachineResourceId property.

  • 400 MismatchSqlVmAndVmRgName - SQL virtual machine resource group name is not same as the virtual machine resource group name provided on VirtualMachineResourceId property.

  • 400 NotSupportedSqlVmOSVersion - Virtual machine OS type is not Windows. Only Windows OS versions are supported

  • 400 VmNotRunning - The VM is not in running state.

  • 400 VmAgentNotRunning - The VM agent is not installed or in running state.

  • 400 PAYGNotSupportedForNonGalleryVM - License type PAYG is invalid for this Virtual Machine as this was not created from Azure marketplace image.

  • 400 CannotDetermineSqlVersionAndEditionFromVm - Sql IaaS Extension cannot determine the SQL version and edition from the vm.

  • 400 MismatchSqlVmSku - Sql virtual machine sku mismatch.

  • 400 CannotConvertToFreeBenefit - Cannot convert Free SQL editions to {0}.

  • 400 SqlEvaluationSkuNotSupported - SQL Evaluation version does not support licensing changes.

  • 400 IncompleteStorageConfigurationSettings - Incomplete Storage Configuration Settings

  • 400 InvalidDefaultFilePath - Invalid Default File Path

  • 400 InvalidLUNSpecified - Invalid Logical Unit number specified, Logical Unit number should be a non-negative number.

  • 400 BothStorageV1V2Specified - Invalid Request. Only one of SQL Storage Storage Setting or Storage Configuration Settings should be specified

  • 400 InvalidLUNsSpecifiedForSameDrive - Invalid Logical Unit numbers specified. Logical Unit number used for the same drive need to be the same.

  • 400 InvalidLUNsSpecifiedForDifferentDrives - Invalid Logical Unit numbers specified. Different drive could not reuse the same Logical Unit number.

  • 400 InvalidExtendPayload - Invalid Sql Storage Settings Extend Payload. Only support extend one drive at a time.

  • 400 SqlLicenseTypeMissing - Please specify license type for Sql Virtual Machine. The property is 'SqlServerLicenceType' and allowed values are PAYG, AHUB and DR.

  • 400 VmAgentIsRunningForNoAgent - Cannot create or update as NoAgent model while the Guest Agent is running.

  • 400 InvalidSqlManagementMode - Cannot update the SQL management mode to {0}, the current mode is {1}. Please specify the value of property 'SqlManagement' as {1}.

  • 400 CannotDetermineSqlEditionFromRequest - Cannot determine the SQL edition.

  • 400 SqlManagementMissing - Please specify the Management Mode for Sql Virtual Machine. The property is 'SqlManagement' and allowed values are LightWeight or Full.

  • 400 SqlImageSkuMissingNoAgent - Please specify the Sql Server Edition for Sql Virtual Machine in NoAgent Mode. The property is 'SqlImageSku' and allowed values are Developer, Express, Web, Standard, or Enterprise.

  • 400 SqlImageOfferMissingNoAgent - Please specify the Sql Server Version and OS Version for Sql Virtual Machine in NoAgent Mode. The property is 'SqlImageOffer' and allowed values are SQL2008-WS2008 and SQL2008R2-WS2008.

  • 400 InvalidSqlImageOfferChange - SqlImageOffer property cannot be updated.

  • 400 SqlLicenseTypeNotSupported - SqlLicenseType NotSet incorrectly provided

  • 400 UnsupportedSqlManagementMode - Cannot update the SQL management mode to {0}, only {1} mode is supported for {2}.

  • 400 SqlVmInValidState - Cannot delete SqlVm since it's provisioned.

  • 400 ClusterOperatorAccountIsEmpty - Cannot add a VM to a SQLVM Group when cluster operator account is null or empty. Please update the group resource: {0} with the cluster operator account.

  • 400 SqlServiceAccountIsEmpty - Cannot add a VM to a SQLVM Group when SQL service account is null or empty. Please update the group resource: {0} with the SQL service account.

  • 400 UnknownSqlManagementMode - Cannot update the SQL management mode to {0}, please use one of the supported values.

  • 400 CandidateCurrentTimeIsAfterRegEndTime - Cannot register candidate entity as current time {0} is after allowed end time {1}.

  • 400 CandidateRegStartTimeIsAfterRegEndTime - Cannot register candidate entity as allowed start time {0} is after allowed end time {1}.

  • 400 VmOsTypeNotFound - OS type is not found.

  • 400 SqlLicenseManagementNotAllowed - Please set the License type of sql vm resource to null. License type manageability is currently not supported in this cloud.

  • 400 IPNotInSubnet - IP not part of subnet.

  • 400 InvalidSqlSkuUpdate - SqlImageSku property cannot be updated when license type management is blocked.

  • 400 VmOsVersionIsUnsupported - OS version is unsupported.

  • 400 RedeployIsNotSupported - Redeploy is not supported when SqlVm is not provisioned.

  • 400 InvalidLightweightMode - Invalid SQL VM Management mode. Please change SQL VM property 'SqlManagement' to FULL

  • 400 InvalidAssessmentSettingsEnableIsFalse - Invalid assessment settings specified. Enable must be set to true to use other assessment settings.

  • 400 SqlInstanceSettingsSet1NotAllowed - SQL Instance Settings MAXDOP, and Collation are not allowed to be configured if the Feature Switch is disabled

  • 400 InvalidAssessmentScheduleSettings - Invalid assessment schedule settings specified.

  • 400 LinuxDistroIsNotSupported - Linux distro is unsupported

  • 400 SqlServerSettingCollationNotAllowedToUpdate - SQL Server collation is not allowed to be updated in manageability.

  • 400 SqlServerSettingMinMemoryGreaterThanMaxMemory - SQL Server Min Server Memory (MB) cannot be greater than Max Server Memory (MB)

  • 400 SqlInstanceSettingsSet2NotAllowed - SQL Instance Settings Optimize for adhoc workloads, Min server memory (MB) and Max server memory (MB) are not allowed to be configured if the Feature Switch is disabled

  • 400 ClusterIpShouldBeEmpty - Argument wsfcStaticIp should be empty for single subnet listener

  • 400 InvalidClusterIpAddress - Invalid cluster ip address provided.

  • 400 SqlServerSettingLPIMNotAllowedToUpdate - SQL Server Lock Pages In Memory is not allowed to be updated in manageability.

  • 400 SqlServerSettingIFINotAllowedToUpdate - SQL Server IFI is not allowed to be updated in manageability.

  • 400 LeastPrivilegeModeEnableNotSupported - Least Privilege mode is not supported on LightWeight or NoAgent extension mode.

  • 400 LeastPrivilegeModeChangeNotSupported - Cannot disable Least Privilege mode once enabled.

  • 400 VmOSUnsupportedForAzureAD - OS is unsupported for Azure AD authentication.

  • 400 SqlVersionUnsupportedForAzureAD - SQL version is unsupported for Azure AD authentication.

  • 400 EnableAzureADInProvisionUnsupported - Enable Azure AD authentication in provision is unsupported.

  • 400 MSIClientIdRequired - MSI client Id is required for Azure AD authentication.

  • 400 AzureADAuthenticationNotAllowed - Configuring Azure AD authentication is currently not allowed.

  • 400 CannotFindExtensionVersion - Cannot determine SQL IaaS Extension version.

  • 400 LeastPrivilegeModeOnlySupportedForSQL2012AndAbove - Least privilege mode is only supported for SQL server 2012 and above versions.

  • 400 InvalidLunForNotUseStoragePool - Invalid LUN specified for storage configuration settings. Only one lun should be provided to build the drive if not using storage pool.

  • 400 ConflictStoragePoolConfigForUseSameDrive - UseStoragePool values are different while set to share the same drive. UseStoragePool value will be considered as True by default if not specified otherwise.

  • 400 StoragePoolConfigNotSupportedInExtend - UseStoragePool parameter is not supported in EXTEND operations.

  • 400 StoragePoolConfigNotAllowed - Configuring storage pool option when creating/updating sql vm is not allowed at the moment.

  • 400 PowerBiVmsNotSupported - Creating SQL Virtual Machine Resource for PowerBI VM images is not supported.

  • 400 SubscriptionFeatureRegistrationsApiCallFailed - API call to check if subscription is registered to the feature has failed

  • 400 InvalidFileSizeSpecified - Invalid Request. File Size cannot be negative

  • 400 MissingPatchParameters - Missing PATCH parameters on the request.

  • 400 InvalidFileCountSpecified - Invalid Request. File Count cannot be negative

  • 400 InvalidMIResourceId - Invalid value given for Managed Identity Resource Id. Specify a valid value.

  • 400 MismatchMIResourceId - The provided User assigned identity is not associated with the Virtual Machine.

  • 400 ManagedIdentityNotEnabled - The provided identity type is not enabled on the Virtual Machine.

  • 400 IncorrectAdditionalVmPatch - The value provided for AdditionalVmPatch is invalid.

  • 400 SubscriptionNotReady - Subscription not ready

  • 400 SqlVersionMismatchWithGroup - SQL version mismatch with SQL virtual machine group.

  • 400 VmOSVersionMismatchWithGroup - OS version mismatch with group.

  • 400 InvalidSqlImageOffer - Provided SQL image offer is invalid.

  • 400 SqlSkuMismatchWithGroup - SQL sku set on the SQL virtual machine group does not match that of the SQL virtual machine.

  • 400 InvalidParameterValue - An invalid value was given to parameter.

  • 400 RPGenericUser - User Failure when calling other Resource Provider.

  • 400 RPResponseMissingAsyncOperationHeader - Response is missing Async operation header information

  • 400 InvalidArgument - Invalid argument '{0}'.

  • 400 ArgumentNotInRange - Argument '{0}' not in range.

  • 400 ResourceNotProvisioned - As the resource: {0} is not in a provisioned state, the request cannot be proceeded forward

  • 400 CRPNotAllowedOperation - Operation cannot be completed due to the following error: {0}

  • 400 AadAppDisabled - Microsoft AAD app SQLVMResourceProviderAuth ({0}) is disabled in your tenant.

  • 400 InternalAPIAccessDenied - Internal API Access denied. App Id {0} is not valid to use this API.

  • 400 InvalidSQLAuthPasswordLength - SQL auth password should not be greater than 128 characters

  • 400 InvalidRgResourceId - Invalid Resourcegroup resource id specified.

  • 403 AccessDenied - Access denied.

  • 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveSqlVMInResourceGroup - Subscription does not have SQL virtual machine Instance in resource group.

  • 404 SubscriptionDoesNotExist - Subscription id does not exist.

  • 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveSqlVMGroupInResourceGroup - Subscription does not have SQL virtual machine group in resource group.

  • 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.

  • 404 SubscriptionDoesNotExist - Subscription id does not exist.

  • 404 ResourceDoesNotExist - Resource does not exist.

  • 404 RPOperationNotFound - Operation not found

  • 404 OperationIdNotFound - Operation id could not be found.

  • 404 OperationTypeNotFound - Operation Type not found.

  • 409 IPNotAvailable - IP {0} is not available{1}. Consider using one from ({2})

  • 409 IpAddressAlreadyReserved - IP address reserved for this listener already exists. Please use the IP address

  • 409 OperationInProgress - Operation in progress on resource already.

  • 409 OperationCanceled - Operation Cancelled.

  • 409 ResourceAlreadyExists - Resource already exists.

  • 409 LBGenericErrors - LB operation failed

  • 409 NICGenericError - NIC operation failed

  • 409 SqlExtensionNotInstalled - SQL extension not installed.

  • 409 RPPluginSubstatusMissing - RP plugin substatus missing

  • 409 MissingMoveResources - Cannot move resources(s) because some resources are missing in the request.

  • 409 ResourceExists - There was an internal error in cleaning up of resources.

  • 409 SubscriptionOperationInProgress - An operation on subscription is already in progress

  • 429 SqlVmGroupGmsaNotAllowed - GMSA account is not supported yet.

  • 429 SqlVmGroupGmsaInfoInvalid - GMSA info such as SqlServiceAccount is not valid.

  • 429 TooManyRequestsReceived - Request throttled due to too many requests.

  • 429 ArgumentMissingForSetup - Argument is missing for setup. Please provide a value for the argument.

  • 429 MultisubnetOperationNotAllowed - Multi subnet HA setup operation is not allowed.

  • 500 FailedToGetRestoreStatusFromTableStorage - Failed to get restore status from table storage.

  • 500 UnExpectedErrorOccurred - Unexpected error occurred.

  • 500 OperationTimeout - Operation timed out.

  • 500 RPGenericSystem - System Failure when calling other Resource Provider.

  • 500 StorageAccountUnexpectedError - Unexpected error for storage account.

  • 500 SqlVmEntityNotFound - SQL VM entity not found.

  • 500 RestoreJobEntityNotFound - Restore job entity not found.

  • 500 RpPluginSubstatusHAStatusMissing - Resource provider plugin substatus is missing HA status.


Deletes a SQL virtual machine.

Sample Request

DELETE https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/sqlVirtualMachines/testvm1?api-version=2023-10-01

Sample Response

azure-asyncoperation: http://azure.async.operation/status
location: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/locations/eastus2/sqlVirtualMachineOperationResults/f0405ceb-e867-4f00-8085-738f2c5d76fd?api-version=2022-08-01-preview
azure-asyncoperation: http://azure.async.operation/status
location: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/providers/Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine/locations/eastus2/sqlVirtualMachineOperationResults/f0405ceb-e867-4f00-8085-738f2c5d76fd?api-version=2022-08-01-preview


Name Description

The resource management error additional info.


The error detail.


Error response


The resource management error additional info.

Name Type Description


The additional info.



The additional info type.


The error detail.

Name Type Description


The error additional info.



The error code.



The error details.



The error message.



The error target.


Error response

Name Type Description


The error object.