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A simple tool that allow you to create Exchange Online migration groups easily (based on mailbox permissions/relationships)

Musings, ramblings and thoughts on embedded systems and other random stuff that pops into my head.

The official blog site for the support group communications.

Office 365 Support, Troubleshooting & Technical Guidance

Windows Performance Tips and Tricks

Blog posts from the EMEA Internet Explorer support team

Mes réflexions sur l'évolution de l'informatique, dans le domaine professionel avec ma casquette Microsoft, et aussi dans notre environnement personnel

Emprendedores de Software, Tecnología, Innovación

Bringing security to the cloud

En un Lugar de la Nube. Este blog esta dedicado todos los usuarios de Windows Azure de habla en español. Esperamos que ésta información sea de utilidad y os ayude a hacer más fácil vuestro viaje por la nube. Equipo de soporte de Windows Azure en Español.

Using the Cloud and Mobility to enable citizens to take part in their world!

Blog del equipo español de Soporte de Dynamics NAV

Welcome to our blog dedicated to the engineering of Microsoft Windows 7

Ensimmäiset 100 päivää läsnätyötä -blogissa erilaisissa tehtävissä työskentelevät microsoftilaiset valottavat oman läsnätyönsä arkea matkalta kohti uuden työn tulevaisuutta.

Aventuras y desventuras desde soporte

Blog sobre Estratégia, Arquitetura Corporativa e Tendências de TI

Aligning Strategy and Technology to Reduce Risk from Cyber Threats

Topics that cover developing using SharePoint, Azure and related technologies.

Guidance and Insight on Running and Managing Enterprise Workloads in Windows Azure

A Buyer's & Integrator's Guide - WebLog Version 1.0

Ein Einblick in die Entwicklung von Apps im Metro-Stil – präsentiert vom Windows 8-Entwicklerteam

Exchange Online Protection: Notes from the field

Blog em língua Portuguesa relacionado com a Plataforma de EPM da Microsoft (Microsft Project Server / Microsoft Project Profissional)

Blog da equipa de suporte de produtos System Center em Portugal

Ce blog rassemble des articles rédigés par les équipes CSS (Customer Support Services) et MCS (Consulting) ayant trait à l'Active Directory et à la Sécurité.

Everything SQL! Mostly Performance related information from the field.

My blog covers search related topics for the SharePoint Online, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2013, FASTSearch for SharePoint 2010, and FAST ESP search engines.

I work on the Visual Studio LightSwitch team. This is a personal blog where I will share tips, tricks and coding information mostly about Visual Studio LightSwitch and anything else that comes to mind.

I'll think of a clever title one day. Today's not that day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.

My ramblings on .NET, related technologies, community, events, gaming, & life in general

innovation. strategy. Microsoft.

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