Construiți aplicații și agenți AI
17 mar., 21 - 21 mar., 10
Alăturați-vă seriei de întâlniri pentru a construi soluții AI scalabile bazate pe cazuri de utilizare din lumea reală cu colegi dezvoltatori și experți.
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Call summary logs provide an overview about a call made through ACS. There is one log for every participant in the call, and logs contain information about the duration of the call, the duration of the individual participant, the type of participant (e.g. VoIP, PSTN, etc.), as well as the endpoint information like the OS version being used, or the SDK version of the ACS platform.
Attribute | Value |
Resource types | microsoft.communication/communicationservices |
Categories | Azure Resources |
Solutions | LogManagement |
Basic log | Yes |
Ingestion-time transformation | No |
Sample Queries | Yes |
Column | Type | Description |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
CallDuration | long | Duration of the call in seconds. |
CallStartTime | datetime | Start time of the call. |
CallType | string | Type of the call, for example P2P (peer to peer). |
Category | string | The log category of the event. Logs with the same log category and resource type will have the same properties fields. |
CorrelationId | string | The ID for correlated events. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables. |
DiagnosticOptions | string | JSON containing the DiagnosticOptions provided during client initialization containing appName, appVersion and tags. |
EndpointId | string | The ID of the endpoint. |
EndpointType | string | Type of the endpoint, for example VoIP (voice over IP). |
Identifier | string | The indentifier of the call used to correlate. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables. |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
OperationName | string | The operation associated with log record. |
OperationVersion | string | The API-version associated with the operation or version of the operation (if there is no API version). |
OsVersion | string | Operating System version. |
ParticipantDuration | long | Duration of the participant call in seconds. |
ParticipantEndReason | string | Participant's call end reason. |
ParticipantEndSubCode | string | Participant's call end reason sub code. |
ParticipantId | string | ID of the participant. |
ParticipantStartTime | datetime | Start time of the participant. |
ParticipantTenantId | string | The ID of the Microsoft tenant associated with the identity of the participant. The tenant can either be the Azure tenant that owns the ACS resource or the Microsoft tenant of an M365 identity. This field is used to guide cross-tenant redaction. |
ParticipantType | string | Description of the participant as a combination of its client (Azure Communication Services (ACS) or Teams), and its identity, (ACS or Microsoft 365). Possible values include: ACS (ACS identity and ACS SDK), Teams (Teams identity and Teams client), ACS as Teams external user (ACS identity and ACS SDK in Teams call or meeting), and ACS as Microsoft 365 user (M365 identity and ACS client). |
PstnParticipantCallType | string | The type and direction of PSTN participants, including emergency calling, direct routing, transfer, forwarding, etc. |
_ResourceId | string | A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with |
ResultCategory | string | The category of participant call end reason. |
SdkVersion | string | SDK version. |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
_SubscriptionId | string | A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with |
TeamsThreadId | string | Thread ID of the team. |
TenantId | string | The Log Analytics workspace ID |
TimeGenerated | datetime | The timestamp (UTC) of when the log was generated. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
Construiți aplicații și agenți AI
17 mar., 21 - 21 mar., 10
Alăturați-vă seriei de întâlniri pentru a construi soluții AI scalabile bazate pe cazuri de utilizare din lumea reală cu colegi dezvoltatori și experți.
Înregistrați-vă acumInstruire
Introduction to Azure Communication Services - Training
Discover the key products and services that can help you create communication applications on Azure with Communication Services.
Microsoft 365 Certified: Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Associate - Certifications
Demonstrați abilitățile de configurare, implementare, monitorizare și gestionare a dispozitivelor Microsoft Teams Pentru telefon, întâlniri și dispozitive certificate.