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17 mar., 21 - 21 mar., 10
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Traffic Analytics provides WHOIS data and geographic location for all public IPs in the customer's environment. For Malicious IP, it provides DNS domain, threat type and thread descriptions as identified by Microsoft security intelligence solutions. IP Details are published to your Log Analytics Workspace so you can create custom queries and put alerts on them. You can also access pre-populated queries from the traffic analytics dashboard.
Attribute | Value |
Resource types | - |
Categories | Network |
Solutions | LogManagement |
Basic log | No |
Ingestion-time transformation | Yes |
Sample Queries | - |
Column | Type | Description |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
DnsDomain | string | For Malicious IPs only: Domain name associated with this IP. |
FaSchemaVersion | string | Schema version. |
FlowIntervalEndTime | datetime | End time of the flow log processing interval. |
FlowIntervalStartTime | datetime | Start time of the flow log processing interval. This is time from which flow interval is measured. |
FlowType | string | Can be AzurePublic/ExternalPublic/MaliciousFlow. |
Ip | string | Public IP whose information is provided in the record. |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
Location | string | For Azure Public IP: Azure region of virtual network/network interface/virtual machine to which the IP belongs OR Global for IP For External Public IP and Malicious IP: 2-letter country code where IP is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). |
Port | int | For Malicious IPs only: Port associated with this IP. |
PublicIpDetails | string | For AzurePublic IP: Azure Service owning the IP OR "Microsoft Virtual Public IP" for IP . ExternalPublic/Malicious IP: WhoIS information of the IP. |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
SubType | string | Subtype for the flow logs. Use only FlowLog, other values of SubType_s are for internal workings of the product. |
TenantId | string | The Log Analytics workspace ID |
ThreatDescription | string | For Malicious IPs only: Description of the threat posed by the malicious IP. |
ThreatType | string | For Malicious IPs only: One of the threats from the list of currently allowed values. |
TimeGenerated | datetime | The time when the data gets ingested into the Log Analytics Workspace. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
Url | string | For Malicious IPs only: Url associated with this IP. |
Construiți aplicații și agenți AI
17 mar., 21 - 21 mar., 10
Alăturați-vă seriei de întâlniri pentru a construi soluții AI scalabile bazate pe cazuri de utilizare din lumea reală cu colegi dezvoltatori și experți.
Înregistrați-vă acumInstruire
Design an IP addressing schema for your Azure deployment - Training
In this module, you learn how to plan and implement an IP addressing scheme for virtual networks and virtual machines in Azure.