Calendars.ReadWrite |
delegated |
This permission is needed by the Calendar function in Spintr, to read and write calendars. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared |
delegated |
This permission is needed by the Calendar function in Spintr, to read and write shared calendars. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Channel.ReadBasic.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed to be able to read channels and messages in channels to allow Teams communication inside Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
ChannelMessage.Read.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed to be able to read channels and messages in channels to allow Teams communication inside Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
ChannelMessage.Send |
delegated |
This permission is needed to be able to write messages to channels. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Chat.Read |
delegated |
This permission is needed to be able to read messages to allow Teams communication inside Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Chat.Read.All |
application |
This permission is needed to be able to read messages to allow Teams communication inside Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Chat.ReadWrite |
delegated |
This permission is needed to be able to read and send messages to allow Teams communication inside Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Chat.ReadWrite |
application |
This permission is needed to be able to read and send messages to allow Teams communication inside Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Contacts.ReadWrite.Shared |
delegated |
This permission is needed to be able to read and write contacts within Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Directory.Read.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed to be able to read directory data in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Files.ReadWrite |
delegated |
This permission is needed for the SharePoint and OneDrive integrations in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Files.ReadWrite.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed for the SharePoint and OneDrive integrations in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Group.Read.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed for the reading O365-groups in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Group.ReadWrite.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed for the reading and writing O365-groups in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Mail.Read |
delegated |
This permission is needed to display the amount of unread mails in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Sites.Manage.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed for the SharePoint-integration in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Sites.Read.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed for the SharePoint-integration in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Sites.ReadWrite.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed for the SharePoint-integration in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
Team.ReadBasic.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed to display teams in Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
User.Read |
delegated |
This permission is needed to read user data to Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
User.Read.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed to read user data to Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
User.Read.All |
application |
This permission is needed to read user data to Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
User.ReadBasic.All |
delegated |
This permission is needed to read user data to Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
User.ReadWrite.All |
application |
This permission is needed to read user data to Spintr. |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
offline_access |
delegated |
This permission is needed to get refresh tokens |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
openid |
delegated |
This permission is needed to sign users in |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |
profile |
delegated |
This permission is needed to read user profile on login |
92db531a-7fe6-4979-b8b8-21e644eb2376 |