Copilot access within the organization

You can share your custom Copilot with others to grant them special permissions.

Once an custom Copilot is created, some security roles in the environments have permissions to view and edit the Copilot. Review the security roles for environments in the Power Platform security article for these roles:

  • System Customizers have full permission to customize the environment. They can view and edit the custom Copilot in the environment.

  • System Administrators have full permission to customize or administer the environment. They can view and edit the custom Copilot in the environment.

Configure access for specific users or security groups

  1. Go to Microsoft 365 Copilot Studio to enable specific users or security group permissions.

  2. Select the Extend with Microsoft Copilot Studio link from the navigation menu. You can manage sharing and permissions for your Copilots embedded in CRM solutions with other users in the organization here.

Configuring permissions in Microsoft Copilot Studio
Share your Copilot with other users.