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Flex Consumption plan - ARM template sample | Azure Functions

This ARM template sample deploys a function app and other required resources in a Flex Consumption plan. When used in an ARM template-based deployment, this azuredeploy.json file creates these Azure components:

Component Description
Function app This is the serverless Flex Consumption app where you can deploy your functions code. The function app is configured with Application Insights and Storage Account.
Function app plan The Azure Functions app plan associated with your Flex Consumption app. For Flex Consumption there is only one app allowed per plan, but the plan is still required.
Application Insights This is the telemetry service associated with the Flex Consumption app for you to monitor live applications, detect performance anomalies, review telemetry logs, and to understand your app behavior.
Log Analytics Workspace This is the workspace used by Application Insights for the app telemetry.
Storage Account This is the Microsoft Azure storage account that Azure Functions requires when you create a function app instance.

How to deploy it?

Use these steps to deploy using the ARM template.

1. Modify the parameters file

Create a copy and modify the parameters file azuredeploy.parameters.json to specify the values for the parameters. The parameters file contains the following parameters that you must specify values for before you can deploy the app:

Parameter Description
location the location where the assets will be created. You can find the supported regions with the az functionapp list-flexconsumption-locations command of the Azure CLI.
functionPlanName A unique name for the Flex Consumption app plan.
functionAppName A unique name for the Flex Consumption app instance.
functionAppRuntime The runtime to be used for your Flex Consumption app.
functionAppRuntimeVersion The runtime version to be used for your Flex Consumption app.
storageAccountName A unique name for the storage account.
logAnalyticsName A unique name for the Log Analytics Workspace.
applicationInsightsName A unique name for the Application Insights instance.

Here is an example parameters file for creating a .NET Isolated 8.0 app that you can modify:

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "location": {
      "value": "eastasia"
    "functionPlanName": {
      "value": "fcthiarmplan"
    "functionAppName": {
      "value": "fcthiarmapp"
    "functionAppRuntime": {
      "value": "dotnet-isolated"
    "functionAppRuntimeVersion": {
      "value": "8.0"
    "storageAccountName": {
      "value": "fcthiarmstor"
    "logAnalyticsName": {
      "value": "fcthiarmlog"
    "applicationInsightsName": {
      "value": "fcthiarmai"

2. Deploy the ARM file

Before you can deploy this app, you need to create a resource group and have a way to deploy the template, which includes these deployment methods:

For example, if you created an azuredeploycopy.parameters.json with the above example, you can create a resource group and deploy the app by running the following AZ CLI commands:

az group create --location eastus --resource-group fcarm
az deployment group create --resource-group fcarm --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters azuredeploycopy.parameters.json

Once deployed you should see the services created on Azure: Resources described above in the resource group

You can now use Azure Functions Core Tools, VS Code, or the Azure CLI to create and publish your app code to the function app.