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Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label (that is, the name) of a disk. If used without parameters, the label command changes the current volume label or deletes the existing label.


label [/mp] [<volume>] [<label>]


Parameter Description
/mp Specifies that the volume should be treated as a mount point or volume name.
<volume> Specifies a drive letter (followed by a colon), mount point, or volume name. If a volume name is specified, the /mp parameter is unnecessary.
<label> Specifies the label for the volume.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.


  • Windows displays the volume label and serial number (if it has one) as part of the directory listing.

  • An NTFS volume label can be up to 32 characters in length, including spaces. NTFS volume labels retain and display the case that was used when the label was created.


To label a disk in drive A that contains sales information for July, type:

label a:sales-july

To view and delete the current label for drive C, follow these steps:

  1. At the command prompt, type:


    Output similar to the following should be displayed:

    Volume in drive C: is Main Disk
    Volume Serial Number is 6789-ABCD
    Volume label (32 characters, ENTER for none)?
  2. Press ENTER. The following prompt should be displayed:

    Delete current volume label (Y/N)?
  3. Press Y to delete the current label, or N if you want to keep the existing label.