Azure Health Data Services provides a managed service for persisting FHIR®-compliant healthcare data and interacting with the data securely through the API service endpoint.
Autoscaling is a capability to dynamically scale FHIR service based on the load reported. The FHIR service in Azure Health Data Services provides the built-in autoscaling capability, which is automated. This capability provides elasticity and enables on demand provisioning of more instances for FHIR service customers.
The autoscaling feature for FHIR service is available in all regions where the FHIR service is supported.
The autoscaling feature is subject to the resources availability in Azure regions.
The autoscaling feature adjusts computing resources automatically to optimize service scalability. There's no action required from customers.
Autoscale at the compute level
Scaling trigger
Scaling triggers describes when scaling of the service is performed. Conditions defined in the trigger are checked periodically to determine if a service should be scaled or not. Only the following triggers are currently supported: Average CPU, Max Worker Thread, Average LogWrite, Average data IO.
Scaling mechanism
The scaling mechanism is applied if the trigger check determines that scaling is necessary. Additionally, the scaling trigger isn't evaluated again until the scaling interval expires, which is set to one minute for the FHIR service.
To ensure the best possible outcome, we recommend that you gradually increase your request rate to match the expected push rate, rather than pushing all requests at the same time.
What is the cost to enable autoscaling for FHIR service?
The autoscaling feature incurs no extra costs.
What should customers do if there's high volume of HTTP 429 errors?
We recommend that you gradually increase the request rate to see if it reduces HTTP 429 errors. For consistent 429 errors, create a support ticket through the Azure portal. The support team will engage with you to understand your scaling trigger needs.
Реагируйте на временное повышение активности, добавляя ресурсы по мере необходимости, а затем удаляя их, когда они больше не нужны, чтобы сократить расходы.
Администрирование инфраструктуры базы данных SQL Server для облачных, локальных и гибридных реляционных баз данных с помощью предложений реляционной базы данных Microsoft PaaS.