PrintJobSettings.unprintableTop Method


Indicates the distance from the top of the paper to the printable area of the paper.

 virtual int unprintableTop();
public virtual int unprintableTop ();
abstract member unprintableTop : unit -> int
override this.unprintableTop : unit -> int
Public Overridable Function unprintableTop () As Integer


The size of nonprintable area, measured in hundredths of a millimeter.


In reports, the topMargin of a reportDesign must not be less than unprintableTop.

The following example demonstrates the unprintableTop method.

static void printerInfo(args a) 
    printJobSettings pjs; 
    str printer; 
    int i; 
    pjs = new printJobSettings(); 
    for (i=1; i<=pjs.GetNumberOfPrinters(); i++) 
        printer = pjs.GetPrinter(i); 
        print "printer No. ",i, " has name ",  printer; 
        print "   left:   ", pjs.UnprintableLeft(),   "/100 mm"; 
        print "   right:  ", pjs.UnprintableRight(),  "/100 mm"; 
        print "   totalWidth: ", pjs.UnprintableLeft() +  
            pjs.PrinterPageWidth() + pjs.UnprintableRight(); 
        print "   top:    ", pjs.UnprintableTop(),    "/100 mm"; 
        print "   bottom: ", pjs.UnprintableBottom(), "/100 mm"; 
        print "   totalHeight: ", pjs.UnprintableTop() +  
            pjs.PrinterPageHeight() + pjs.UnprintableBottom(); 

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