Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been changed to 'EventHubName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been changed to 'EventHubName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. The parameter 'EventHub' has been renamed to 'EventHubName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Name' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
Replaced by New-AzActivityLogAlert
Replaced by Update-AzActivityLogAlert
Replaced by Update-AzActivityLogAlert
Replaced by New-AzActivityLogAlertActionGroupObject
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
Replaced by New-AzDiagnosticSetting
Replaced by New-AzDiagnosticSettingLogSettingsObject and New-AzDiagnosticSettingMetricSettingsObject
Replaced by Get-AzEventCategory
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
Replaced by New-AzAutoscaleSetting
Replaced by New-AzAutoscaleNotificationObject
Replaced by New-AzAutoscaleProfileObject
Replaced by New-AzAutoscaleScaleRuleObject
Replaced by New-AzAutoscaleWebhookNotificationObject
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
Removed due to new API version
Removed due to new API version
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
Removed due to new API version
Removed due to new API version
Removed due to new API version
Removed due to new API version
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
Removed and no replacement.
New API version with new set of input/output, please see cmdlet help for detail
The property 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' of type 'PSAzureFirewall' has been removed.
The property 'publicIPAddresses' of type 'PSAzureFirewallHubIpAddresses' has been removed.
No longer supports the parameter 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
The parameter set 'OldIpConfigurationParameterValues' has been removed.
The parameter set 'IpConfigurationParameterValues' has been removed.
The property 'publicIPAddresses' of type 'PSAzureFirewallHubIpAddresses' has been removed.
The property 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' of type 'PSAzureFirewall' has been removed.
A validate set has been added for parameter 'AddressPrefixType'.
The element type for parameter 'ApplyOnNetworkIntentPolicyBasedService' has been changed from 'System.String' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.NewAzNetworkManagerSecurityAdminConfigurationCommand.NetworkIntentPolicyBasedServiceType'.
The element type for parameter 'NetworkManagerScopeAccess' has been changed from 'System.String' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.NewAzNetworkManagerCommand.NetworkManagerScopeAccessType'.
The property 'publicIPAddresses' of type 'PSAzureFirewallHubIpAddresses' has been removed.
The property 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' of type 'PSAzureFirewall' has been removed.
The property 'IdentifyTopFatFlow' of type 'PSAzureFirewall' has been removed.
A validate set has been added for parameter 'ConnectivityTopology'.
A validate set has been added for parameter 'CommitType'.
A validate set has been added for parameter 'GroupConnectivity'.
A validate set has been added for parameter 'Protocol'.
A validate set has been added for parameter 'Direction'.
A validate set has been added for parameter 'Access'.
No longer supports the parameter 'Status' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelActionResponse'.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelActionResponse' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'ActionId' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelIncidentComment'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelBookmark'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'BookmarkId.' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelAlertRule'.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'ProductFilter'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'DisplayNamesExcludeFilter'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'DisplayNamesFilter'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'SeveritiesFilter'.
No longer supports the parameter 'SuppressionDisabled' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.Nullable`1[System.TimeSpan]' for parameter 'QueryFrequency'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Nullable`1[System.TimeSpan]' for parameter 'QueryPeriod'.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'Severity'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'Tactic'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.SecurityInsights.Models.TriggerOperator' for parameter 'TriggerOperator'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]' for parameter 'TriggerThreshold'.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelAlertRule' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'AlertRuleId' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
The parameter set 'InputObject' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelIncidentComment'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelActionResponse'.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'AlertRuleId' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ActionId' has been removed.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelIncident' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'IncidentId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelBookmark'.
No longer supports the parameter 'IncidentInfo' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'Label'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'BookmarkId.' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelAlertRule'.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelAlertRule' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'AlertRuleId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelActionResponse'.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelActionResponse' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'ActionId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelAlertRule'.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'AlertRuleId' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelDataConnector'.
No longer supports the parameter 'DataConnectorId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelDataConnector' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'AwsRoleArn' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'Logs' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'DiscoveryLogs' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'Indicators' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'DataConnectorId' has been removed.
The parameter set 'InputObject' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelBookmark'.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelBookmark' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'BookmarkId.' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelIncident'.
No longer supports the parameter 'Classificaton' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'ClassificationReason'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.SecurityInsights.Models.Incidents.PSSentinelIncidentLabel]' for parameter 'Label'.
No longer supports the parameter 'Owner' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'Severity'.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'Status'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'IncidentId' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelActionResponse'.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'ActionId' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelIncident'.
No longer supports the parameter 'OrderBy' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'Max' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'WorkspaceScope' has been removed.
The parameter set 'IncidentId' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelDataConnector'.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelDataConnector' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'DataConnectorId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelDataConnector'.
No longer supports the parameter 'DataConnectorId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'AzureActiveDirectory' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'AzureAdvancedThreatProtection' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'AzureSecurityCenter' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'Office365' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'ThreatIntelligence' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'AwsRoleArn' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'Logs' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'DiscoveryLogs' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'Indicators' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'AzureActiveDirectory' has been removed.
The parameter set 'AzureAdvancedThreatProtection' has been removed.
The parameter set 'AzureSecurityCenter' has been removed.
The parameter set 'AmazonWebServicesCloudTrail' has been removed.
The parameter set 'MicrosoftCloudAppSecurity' has been removed.
The parameter set 'MicrosoftDefenderAdvancedThreatProtection' has been removed.
The parameter set 'Office365' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ThreatIntelligence' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelAlertRule'.
No longer supports the parameter 'Scheduled' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'Fusion' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'AlertRuleId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'ProductFilter'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'DisplayNamesExcludeFilter'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'DisplayNamesFilter'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'SeveritiesFilter'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Nullable`1[System.TimeSpan]' for parameter 'QueryFrequency'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Nullable`1[System.TimeSpan]' for parameter 'QueryPeriod'.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'Severity'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'Tactic'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.SecurityInsights.Models.TriggerOperator' for parameter 'TriggerOperator'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]' for parameter 'TriggerThreshold'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'FusionAlertRule' has been removed.
The parameter set 'MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationRule' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ScheduledAlertRule' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelAlertRuleTemplate'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'AlertRuleTemplateId' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelIncident'.
No longer supports the parameter 'IncidentID' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelIncident' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'Classification'.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'ClassificationReason'.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.SecurityInsights.Models.Incidents.PSSentinelIncidentLabel]' for parameter 'Label'.
No longer supports the parameter 'Owner' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'Severity'.
No longer supports the type 'System.String' for parameter 'Status'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'IncidentId' has been removed.
The parameter set 'InputObject' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelDataConnector'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'PSSentinelBookmark'.
No longer supports the type 'PSSentinelBookmark' for parameter 'InputObject'.
No longer supports the parameter 'ResourceId' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'IncidentInfo' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the type 'System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[System.String]' for parameter 'Label'.
No longer supports the type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
No longer supports the alias 'AzureRmContext' for parameter 'DefaultProfile'.
The parameter set 'BookmarkId.' has been removed.
The parameter set 'InputObject' has been removed.
The parameter set 'ResourceId' has been removed.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Queue' has been renamed to 'QueueName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Queue' has been renamed to 'QueueName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Queue' has been renamed to 'QueueName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Queue' has been renamed to 'QueueName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Queue' has been renamed to 'QueueName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Queue' has been renamed to 'QueueName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Name' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Name' has been replaced by 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'Subscription' has been renamed to 'SubscriptionName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'Subscription' has been renamed to 'SubscriptionName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'Subscription' has been renamed to 'SubscriptionName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been renamed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'Subscription' has been renamed to 'SubscriptionName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been removed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been removed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been removed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'. Parameter 'Topic' has been removed to 'TopicName'. Parameter 'ResourceGroupName' would no longer support alias 'ResourceGroup'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Namespace' has been renamed to 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Name' has been replaced by 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Name' has been replaced by 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Name' has been replaced by 'NamespaceName'.
Parameter 'Name' has been replaced by 'NamespaceName'.
No longer has output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ThreatDetection.Model.ServerThreatDetectionPolicyModel'.
No longer supports the parameter 'NotificationRecipientsEmails' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'EmailAdmins' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'ExcludedDetectionType' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'StorageAccountName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'RetentionInDays' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
No longer has output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ThreatDetection.Model.ServerThreatDetectionPolicyModel'.
No longer has output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ThreatDetection.Model.DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicyModel'.
No longer supports the parameter 'NotificationRecipientsEmails' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'EmailAdmins' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'ExcludedDetectionType' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'StorageAccountName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
No longer supports the parameter 'RetentionInDays' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' has been removed.
Has been removed and no alias was found for the original cmdlet name.
No longer supports the alias 'Disable-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtection'.
No longer has output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Sql.ThreatDetection.Model.DatabaseThreatDetectionPolicyModel'.
No longer supports the alias 'Enable-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtection'.
No longer has output type 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File.CopyState'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.
The type of property 'Properties' of type 'PSLinkConnectionResource' has changed from 'Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts.Models.LinkConnection' to 'PSLinkConnection'.