This cmdlet supports retrieving the available Shifts Connectors.
Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector []
This cmdlet shows the available list of Shifts Connectors that can be used to synchronize a third-party workforce management system with Teams and the types of data that can be synchronized.
PS C:\> Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector | Format-List
Id : 6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74
Name : Contoso V1
SupportedSyncScenarioOfferShiftRequest : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts, TwoWay}
SupportedSyncScenarioOpenShift : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts}
SupportedSyncScenarioOpenShiftRequest : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts, TwoWay}
SupportedSyncScenarioShift : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts}
SupportedSyncScenarioSwapRequest : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts, TwoWay}
SupportedSyncScenarioTimeCard : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts, TwoWay}
SupportedSyncScenarioTimeOff : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts}
SupportedSyncScenarioTimeOffRequest : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts, TwoWay}
SupportedSyncScenarioUserShiftPreference : {Disabled, FromWfmToShifts, TwoWay}
Version : 2020.3 - 2021.1
Get the list of Shifts Connectors available on the tenant.