Creating a Windows PowerShell Container Provider
This topic describes how to create a Windows PowerShell provider that can work on multi-layer data stores. For this type of data store, the top level of the store contains the root items and each subsequent level is referred to as a node of child items. By allowing the user to work on these child nodes, a user can interact hierarchically through the data store.
Providers that can work on multi-level data stores are referred to as Windows PowerShell container providers. However, be aware that a Windows PowerShell container provider can be used only when there is one container (no nested containers) with items in it. If there are nested containers, then you must implement a Windows PowerShell navigation provider. For more information about implementing Windows PowerShell navigation provider, see Creating a Windows PowerShell Navigation Provider.
You can download the C# source file (AccessDBSampleProvider04.cs) for this provider using the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit for Windows Vista and .NET Framework 3.0 Runtime Components. For download instructions, see How to Install Windows PowerShell and Download the Windows PowerShell SDK. The downloaded source files are available in the <PowerShell Samples> directory. For more information about other Windows PowerShell provider implementations, see Designing Your Windows PowerShell Provider.
The Windows PowerShell container provider described here defines the database as its single container, with the tables and rows of the database defined as items of the container.
Be aware that this design assumes a database that has a field with the name ID, and that the type of the field is LongInteger.
A Windows PowerShell container provider must define a .NET class that derives from the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider base class. Here is the class definition for the Windows PowerShell container provider described in this section.
[CmdletProvider("AccessDB", ProviderCapabilities.None)]
public class AccessDBProvider : ContainerCmdletProvider
Notice that in this class definition, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletproviderattribute attribute includes two parameters. The first parameter specifies a user-friendly name for the provider that is used by Windows PowerShell. The second parameter specifies the Windows PowerShell specific capabilities that the provider exposes to the Windows PowerShell runtime during command processing. For this provider, there are no Windows PowerShell specific capabilities that are added.
As described in Designing Your Windows PowerShell Provider, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider class derives from several other classes that provided different provider functionality. A Windows PowerShell container provider, therefore, needs to define all of the functionality provided by those classes.
To implement functionality for adding session-specific initialization information and for releasing resources that are used by the provider, see Creating a Basic Windows PowerShell Provider. However, most providers (including the provider described here) can use the default implementation of this functionality that is provided by Windows PowerShell.
To get access to the data store, the provider must implement the methods of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Drivecmdletprovider base class. For more information about implementing these methods, see Creating a Windows PowerShell Drive Provider.
To manipulate the items of a data store, such as getting, setting, and clearing items, the provider must implement the methods provided by the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Itemcmdletprovider base class. For more information about implementing these methods, see Creating a Windows PowerShell Item Provider.
To retrieve a child item, the Windows PowerShell container provider must override the
method to support calls from the Get-ChildItem
cmdlet. This method retrieves child items from the
data store and writes them to the pipeline as objects. If the recurse
parameter of the cmdlet is
specified, the method retrieves all children regardless of what level they are at. If the recurse
parameter is not specified, the method retrieves only a single level of children.
Here is the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* method for this provider. Notice that this method retrieves the child items in all database tables when the path indicates the Access database, and retrieves the child items from the rows of that table if the path indicates a data table.
protected override void GetChildItems(string path, bool recurse)
// If path represented is a drive then the children in the path are
// tables. Hence all tables in the drive represented will have to be
// returned
if (PathIsDrive(path))
foreach (DatabaseTableInfo table in GetTables())
WriteItemObject(table, path, true);
// if the specified item exists and recurse has been set then
// all child items within it have to be obtained as well
if (ItemExists(path) && recurse)
GetChildItems(path + pathSeparator + table.Name, recurse);
} // foreach (DatabaseTableInfo...
} // if (PathIsDrive...
// Get the table name, row number and type of path from the
// path specified
string tableName;
int rowNumber;
PathType type = GetNamesFromPath(path, out tableName, out rowNumber);
if (type == PathType.Table)
// Obtain all the rows within the table
foreach (DatabaseRowInfo row in GetRows(tableName))
WriteItemObject(row, path + pathSeparator + row.RowNumber,
} // foreach (DatabaseRowInfo...
else if (type == PathType.Row)
// In this case the user has directly specified a row, hence
// just give that particular row
DatabaseRowInfo row = GetRow(tableName, rowNumber);
WriteItemObject(row, path + pathSeparator + row.RowNumber,
// In this case, the path specified is not valid
} // else
} // GetChildItems
The following conditions may apply to your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems*:
When defining the provider class, a Windows PowerShell container provider might declare provider capabilities of ExpandWildcards, Filter, Include, or Exclude, from the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Providercapabilities enumeration. In these cases, the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* method needs to ensure that the path passed to the method meets the requirements of the specified capabilities. To do this, the method should access the appropriate property, for example, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Exclude* and System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Include* properties.
The implementation of this method should take into account any form of access to the item that might make the item visible to the user. For example, if a user has write access to a file through the FileSystem provider (supplied by Windows PowerShell), but not read access, the file still exists and System.Management.Automation.Provider.Itemcmdletprovider.Itemexists* returns
. Your implementation might require the checking of a parent item to see if the child can be enumerated.When writing multiple items, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* method can take some time. You can design your provider to write the items using the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Writeitemobject* method one at a time. Using this technique will present the items to the user in a stream.
Your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* is responsible for preventing infinite recursion when there are circular links, and the like. An appropriate terminating exception should be thrown to reflect such a condition.
Sometimes the Get-ChildItem
cmdlet that calls
requires additional parameters that are specified dynamically at runtime. To provide these dynamic
parameters, the Windows PowerShell container provider must implement the
method. This method retrieves dynamic parameters for the item at the indicated path and returns an
object that has properties and fields with parsing attributes similar to a cmdlet class or a
object. The Windows PowerShell runtime uses the returned object to add the parameters to the
This Windows PowerShell container provider does not implement this method. However, the following code is the default implementation of this method.
To retrieve the names of child items, the Windows PowerShell container provider must override the
method to support calls from the Get-ChildItem
cmdlet when its Name
parameter is specified. This
method retrieves the names of the child items for the specified path or child item names for all
containers if the returnAllContainers
parameter of the cmdlet is specified. A child name is the
leaf portion of a path. For example, the child name for the path c:\windows\system32\abc.dll is
"abc.dll". The child name for the directory c:\windows\system32 is "system32".
Here is the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchildnames* method for this provider. Notice that the method retrieves table names if the specified path indicates the Access database (drive) and row numbers if the path indicates a table.
protected override void GetChildNames(string path,
ReturnContainers returnContainers)
// If the path represented is a drive, then the child items are
// tables. get the names of all the tables in the drive.
if (PathIsDrive(path))
foreach (DatabaseTableInfo table in GetTables())
WriteItemObject(table.Name, path, true);
} // foreach (DatabaseTableInfo...
} // if (PathIsDrive...
// Get type, table name and row number from path specified
string tableName;
int rowNumber;
PathType type = GetNamesFromPath(path, out tableName, out rowNumber);
if (type == PathType.Table)
// Get all the rows in the table and then write out the
// row numbers.
foreach (DatabaseRowInfo row in GetRows(tableName))
WriteItemObject(row.RowNumber, path, false);
} // foreach (DatabaseRowInfo...
else if (type == PathType.Row)
// In this case the user has directly specified a row, hence
// just give that particular row
DatabaseRowInfo row = GetRow(tableName, rowNumber);
WriteItemObject(row.RowNumber, path, false);
} // else
} // GetChildNames
The following conditions may apply to your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems*:
When defining the provider class, a Windows PowerShell container provider might declare provider capabilities of ExpandWildcards, Filter, Include, or Exclude, from the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Providercapabilities enumeration. In these cases, the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* method needs to ensure that the path passed to the method meets the requirements of the specified capabilities. To do this, the method should access the appropriate property, for example, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Exclude* and System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Include* properties.
An exception to this rule occurs when the
parameter of the cmdlet is specified. In this case, the method should retrieve any child name for a container, even if it does not match the values of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Filter*, System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Include*, or System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Exclude* properties.By default, overrides of this method should not retrieve names of objects that are generally hidden from the user unless the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is specified. If the specified path indicates a container, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is not required.
Your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchildnames* is responsible for preventing infinite recursion when there are circular links, and the like. An appropriate terminating exception should be thrown to reflect such a condition.
Sometimes the Get-ChildItem
cmdlet (with the Name
parameter) requires additional parameters that
are specified dynamically at runtime. To provide these dynamic parameters, the Windows PowerShell
container provider must implement the
method. This method retrieves the dynamic parameters for the item at the indicated path and returns
an object that has properties and fields with parsing attributes similar to a cmdlet class or a
object. The Windows PowerShell runtime uses the returned object to add the parameters to the
This provider does not implement this method. However, the following code is the default implementation of this method.
To rename an item, a Windows PowerShell container provider must override the
method to support calls from the Rename-Item
cmdlet. This method changes the name of the item at
the specified path to the new name provided. The new name must always be relative to the parent item
This provider does not override the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Renameitem* method. However, the following is the default implementation.
The following conditions may apply to your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Renameitem*:
When defining the provider class, a Windows PowerShell container provider might declare provider capabilities of ExpandWildcards, Filter, Include, or Exclude, from the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Providercapabilities enumeration. In these cases, the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* method needs to ensure that the path passed to the method meets the requirements of the specified capabilities. To do this, the method should access the appropriate property, for example, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Exclude* and System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Include* properties.
The System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Renameitem* method is intended for the modification of the name of an item only, and not for move operations. Your implementation of the method should write an error if the
parameter contains path separators, or might otherwise cause the item to change its parent location.By default, overrides of this method should not rename objects unless the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is specified. If the specified path indicates a container, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is not required.
Your implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Renameitem* method should call System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess and check its return value before making any changes to the data store. This method is used to confirm execution of an operation when a change is made to system state, for example, renaming files. System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess sends the name of the resource to be changed to the user, with the Windows PowerShell runtime taking into account any command line settings or preference variables in determining what should be displayed.
After the call to System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess returns
, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Renameitem* method should call the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldContinue method. This method sends a message a confirmation message to the user to allow additional feedback to say if the operation should be continued. A provider should call System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldContinue as an additional check for potentially dangerous system modifications.
Sometimes the Rename-Item
cmdlet requires additional parameters that are specified dynamically at
runtime. To provide these dynamic parameters, Windows PowerShell container provider must implement
method. This method retrieves the parameters for the item at the indicated path and returns an
object that has properties and fields with parsing attributes similar to a cmdlet class or a
object. The Windows PowerShell runtime uses the returned object to add the parameters to the
This container provider does not implement this method. However, the following code is the default implementation of this method.
To create new items, a container provider must implement the
method to support calls from the New-Item
cmdlet. This method creates a data item located at the
specified path. The type
parameter of the cmdlet contains the provider-defined type for the new
item. For example, the FileSystem provider uses a type
parameter with a value of "file" or
"directory". The newItemValue
parameter of the cmdlet specifies a provider-specific value for the
new item.
Here is the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem* method for this provider.
protected override void NewItem( string path, string type, object newItemValue )
// Create the new item here after
// performing necessary validations
// WriteItemObject(newItemValue, path, false);
// Example
// if (ShouldProcess(path, "new item"))
// {
// // Create a new item and then call WriteObject
// WriteObject(newItemValue, path, false);
// }
} // NewItem
case 1:
string name = pathChunks[0];
if (TableNameIsValid(name))
tableName = name;
retVal = PathType.Table;
case 2:
string name = pathChunks[0];
The following conditions may apply to your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem*:
The System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem* method should perform a case-insensitive comparison of the string passed in the
parameter. It should also allow for least ambiguous matches. For example, for the types "file" and "directory", only the first letter is required to disambiguate. If thetype
parameter indicates a type your provider cannot create, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem* method should write an ArgumentException with a message indicating the types the provider can create.For the
parameter, the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem* method is recommended to accept strings at a minimum. It should also accept the type of object that is retrieved by the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Itemcmdletprovider.Getitem* method for the same path. The System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem* method can use the System.Management.Automation.Languageprimitives.Convertto* method to convert types to the desired type.Your implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem* method should call System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess and check its return value before making any changes to the data store. After the call to System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess returns true, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem* method should call the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldContinue method as an additional check for potentially dangerous system modifications.
Sometimes the New-Item
cmdlet requires additional parameters that are specified dynamically at
runtime. To provide these dynamic parameters, the container provider must implement the
method. This method retrieves the parameters for the item at the indicated path and returns an
object that has properties and fields with parsing attributes similar to a cmdlet class or a
object. The Windows PowerShell runtime uses the returned object to add the parameters to the
This provider does not implement this method. However, the following code is the default implementation of this method.
To remove items, the Windows PowerShell provider must override the
method to support calls from the Remove-Item
cmdlet. This method deletes an item from the data
store at the specified path. If the recurse
parameter of the Remove-Item
cmdlet is set to
, the method removes all child items regardless of their level. If the parameter is set to
, the method removes only a single item at the specified path.
This provider does not support item removal. However, the following code is the default implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Removeitem*.
The following conditions may apply to your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Newitem*:
When defining the provider class, a Windows PowerShell container provider might declare provider capabilities of ExpandWildcards, Filter, Include, or Exclude, from the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Providercapabilities enumeration. In these cases, the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* method needs to ensure that the path passed to the method meets the requirements of the specified capabilities. To do this, the method should access the appropriate property, for example, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Exclude* and System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Include* properties.
By default, overrides of this method should not remove objects unless the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is set to true. If the specified path indicates a container, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is not required.
Your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Removeitem* is responsible for preventing infinite recursion when there are circular links, and the like. An appropriate terminating exception should be thrown to reflect such a condition.
Your implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Removeitem* method should call System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess and check its return value before making any changes to the data store. After the call to System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess returns
, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Removeitem* method should call the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldContinue method as an additional check for potentially dangerous system modifications.
Sometimes the Remove-Item
cmdlet requires additional parameters that are specified dynamically at
runtime. To provide these dynamic parameters, the container provider must implement the
method to handle these parameters. This method retrieves the dynamic parameters for the item at the
indicated path and returns an object that has properties and fields with parsing attributes similar
to a cmdlet class or a
object. The Windows PowerShell runtime uses the returned object to add the parameters to the
This container provider does not implement this method. However, the following code is the default implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Removeitemdynamicparameters*.
To check to see if child items exist at the specified path, the Windows PowerShell container
provider must override the
method. This method returns true
if the item has children, and false
otherwise. For a null or
empty path, the method considers any items in the data store to be children and returns true
Here is the override for the
method. If there are more than two path parts created by the ChunkPath helper method, the method
returns false
, since only a database container and a table container are defined. For more
information about this helper method, see the ChunkPath method is discussed in
Creating a Windows PowerShell Item Provider.
protected override bool HasChildItems( string path )
return false;
} // HasChildItems
ErrorCategory.InvalidOperation, tableName));
return results;
The following conditions may apply to your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Haschilditems*:
- If the container provider exposes a root that contains interesting mount points, the
implementation of the
method should return
when a null or an empty string is passed in for the path.
To copy items, the container provider must implement the
method to support calls from the Copy-Item
cmdlet. This method copies a data item from the
location indicated by the path
parameter of the cmdlet to the location indicated by the copyPath
parameter. If the recurse
parameter is specified, the method copies all sub-containers. If the
parameter is not specified, the method copies only a single level of items.
This provider does not implement this method. However, the following code is the default implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.ContainerCmdletProvider.CopyItem.
The following conditions may apply to your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.ContainerCmdletProvider.CopyItem:
When defining the provider class, a Windows PowerShell container provider might declare provider capabilities of ExpandWildcards, Filter, Include, or Exclude, from the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Providercapabilities enumeration. In these cases, the implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Getchilditems* method needs to ensure that the path passed to the method meets the requirements of the specified capabilities. To do this, the method should access the appropriate property, for example, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Exclude* and System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Include* properties.
By default, overrides of this method should not copy objects over existing objects unless the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is set to
. For example, the FileSystem provider will not copy c:\temp\abc.txt over an existing c:\abc.txt file unless the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is set totrue
. If the path specified in thecopyPath
parameter exists and indicates a container, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.Force* property is not required. In this case, System.Management.Automation.Provider.ContainerCmdletProvider.CopyItem should copy the item indicated by thepath
parameter to the container indicated by thecopyPath
parameter as a child.Your implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.ContainerCmdletProvider.CopyItem is responsible for preventing infinite recursion when there are circular links, and the like. An appropriate terminating exception should be thrown to reflect such a condition.
Your implementation of the System.Management.Automation.Provider.ContainerCmdletProvider.CopyItem method should call System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess and check its return value before making any changes to the data store. After the call to System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldProcess returns true, the System.Management.Automation.Provider.ContainerCmdletProvider.CopyItem method should call the System.Management.Automation.Provider.Cmdletprovider.ShouldContinue method as an additional check for potentially dangerous system modifications. For more information about calling these methods, see Rename Items.
Sometimes the Copy-Item
cmdlet requires additional parameters that are specified dynamically at
runtime. To provide these dynamic parameters, the Windows PowerShell container provider must
implement the
method to handle these parameters. This method retrieves the parameters for the item at the
indicated path and returns an object that has properties and fields with parsing attributes similar
to a cmdlet class or a
object. The Windows PowerShell runtime uses the returned object to add the parameters to the
This provider does not implement this method. However, the following code is the default implementation of System.Management.Automation.Provider.Containercmdletprovider.Copyitemdynamicparameters*.
For complete sample code, see AccessDbProviderSample04 Code Sample.
See How to Register Cmdlets, Providers, and Host Applications.
When your Windows PowerShell provider has been registered with Windows PowerShell, you can test it by running the supported cmdlets on the command line. Be aware that the following example output uses a fictitious Access database.
Run the
cmdlet to retrieve the list of child items from a Customers table in the Access database.PowerShellGet-ChildItem mydb:customers
The following output appears.
Выходные данныеPSPath : AccessDB::customers PSDrive : mydb PSProvider : System.Management.Automation.ProviderInfo PSIsContainer : True Data : System.Data.DataRow Name : Customers RowCount : 91 Columns :
Run the
cmdlet again to retrieve the data of a table.PowerShell(Get-ChildItem mydb:customers).data
The following output appears.
Выходные данныеTABLE_CAT : c:\PS\northwind TABLE_SCHEM : TABLE_NAME : Customers TABLE_TYPE : TABLE REMARKS :
Now use the
cmdlet to retrieve the items at row 0 in the data table.PowerShellGet-Item mydb:\customers\0
The following output appears.
Выходные данныеPSPath : AccessDB::customers\0 PSDrive : mydb PSProvider : System.Management.Automation.ProviderInfo PSIsContainer : False Data : System.Data.DataRow RowNumber : 0
to retrieve the data for the items in row 0.PowerShell(Get-Item mydb:\customers\0).data
The following output appears.
Выходные данныеCustomerID : 1234 CompanyName : Fabrikam ContactName : Eric Gruber ContactTitle : President Address : 4567 Main Street City : Buffalo Region : NY PostalCode : 98052 Country : USA Phone : (425) 555-0100 Fax : (425) 555-0101
Now use the
cmdlet to add a row to an existing table. ThePath
parameter specifies the full path to the row, and must indicate a row number that is greater than the existing number of rows in the table. TheType
parameter indicates "row" to specify that type of item to add. Finally, theValue
parameter specifies a comma-delimited list of column values for the row.PowerShellNew-Item -Path mydb:\Customers\3 -ItemType "row" -Value "3,CustomerFirstName,CustomerLastName,CustomerEmailAddress,CustomerTitle,CustomerCompany,CustomerPhone, CustomerAddress,CustomerCity,CustomerState,CustomerZip,CustomerCountry"
Verify the correctness of the new item operation as follows.
nonePS mydb:\> cd Customers PS mydb:\Customers> (Get-Item 3).data
The following output appears.
Выходные данныеID : 3 FirstName : Eric LastName : Gruber Email : Title : President Company : Fabrikam WorkPhone : (425) 555-0100 Address : 4567 Main Street City : Buffalo State : NY Zip : 98052 Country : USA
Creating Windows PowerShell Providers
Designing Your Windows PowerShell Provider
Implementing an Item Windows PowerShell Provider
Implementing a Navigation Windows PowerShell Provider
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