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IDTSCustomProperty90 Interface

Contains custom information about an object in a data flow task.

Пространство имен: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Сборка: Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap (in microsoft.sqlserver.dtspipelinewrap.dll)


<GuidAttribute("5A78E6D8-6AE0-4D2B-81C1-4B990840B717")> _
<TypeLibTypeAttribute(4160)> _
Public Interface IDTSCustomProperty90
    Inherits IDTSObject90
public interface IDTSCustomProperty90 : IDTSObject90
public interface class IDTSCustomProperty90 : IDTSObject90
/** @attribute GuidAttribute("5A78E6D8-6AE0-4D2B-81C1-4B990840B717") */ 
/** @attribute TypeLibTypeAttribute(4160) */ 
public interface IDTSCustomProperty90 extends IDTSObject90
public interface IDTSCustomProperty90 extends IDTSObject90


The IDTSCustomProperty90 object is used to expose custom information about an object in the data flow task.

IDTSCustomProperty90 objects are available on most of the objects in the IDTSComponentMetaData90 of a component and are automatically persisted in the XML of the package. Custom properties are added to the IDTSCustomPropertyCollection90 by calling the New method of the collection.

For information on setting custom properties, see "Creating Custom Properties" in Design-time Methods of a Data Flow Component.


Платформы разработки

Список поддерживаемых платформ см. в разделе Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005.

Целевые платформы

Список поддерживаемых платформ см. в разделе Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2005.

См. также


IDTSCustomProperty90 Members
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper Namespace