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Свойство AllowQueryExecution

Indicates whether the user is allowed to provide values for parameters used in the query.

Пространство имен:  ReportExecution2005
Сборка:  ReportExecution2005 (в ReportExecution2005.dll)


Public Property AllowQueryExecution As Boolean
Dim instance As ExecutionInfo
Dim value As Boolean

value = instance.AllowQueryExecution

instance.AllowQueryExecution = value
public bool AllowQueryExecution { get; set; }
property bool AllowQueryExecution {
    bool get ();
    void set (bool value);
member AllowQueryExecution : bool with get, set
function get AllowQueryExecution () : boolean
function set AllowQueryExecution (value : boolean)

Значение свойства

Тип: System. . :: . .Boolean
A Boolean value.


If AllowQueryExecution is true, the snapshot will be cleared when the ResetExecution method is called.

AllowQueryExecution will return false for execution and history snapshots, and true for live reports and ad-hoc reports.