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Листинг кода на языке Visual Basic для процедуры FindAllEmps

В будущей версии Microsoft SQL Server эта возможность будет удалена. Избегайте использования этой возможности в новых разработках и запланируйте изменение существующих приложений, в которых она применяется.

Следующий пример кода создает процедуру FindAllEmps.

 Dim proxy As New server.sql_endpoint  Dim response As New Object  Dim resultXml As System.Xml.XmlElement  Dim errorMessage As server.SqlMessage  Dim outputParam As System.Int32  Dim param  Dim i As System.Int16  Dim rowCount As server.SqlRowCount  Dim outParam As server.SqlParameter  param = TextBox1.Text  proxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials  ListBox1.Items.Add("1) Executing batch.  ")  ListBox1.Items.Add("")  Dim p As server.SqlParameter()  p = Nothing  Dim s As String  s = "SELECT top 3 FirstName, LastName " + "FROM  Employee " + "FOR XML AUTO"  response = proxy.sqlbatch(s, p)  ' loop through response object array to find the individual items  For i = 0 To Microsoft.VisualBasic.UBound(response)If (response(i).GetType.IsPrimitive) Then    ListBox1.Items.Add("Printing Returned Code from SP:")    ListBox1.Items.Add("The type of the element in obj array is: ")    ListBox1.Items.Add(response(i).GetType())    ListBox1.Items.Add("Return Code = ")    ListBox1.Items.Add(response(i))End IfSelect Case response(i).GetType().ToString()    Case "System.Xml.XmlElement"  ListBox1.Items.Add("Printing result of SELECT ...FOR XML")  ListBox1.Items.Add("The type of the result in obj array is: ")  ListBox1.Items.Add(response(i).ToString())  ListBox1.Items.Add("This is the result :")  resultXml = response(i)  ListBox1.Items.Add(resultXml.OuterXml)    Case "server.SqlMessage"  errorMessage = response(i)  ListBox1.Items.Add("Printing error msg, warning or other informational msg:")  ListBox1.Items.Add("The type of the corresponding  obj array element is: ")  ListBox1.Items.Add(errorMessage.ToString())  ListBox1.Items.Add("This is the msg :")  ListBox1.Items.Add(errorMessage.Message)  ListBox1.Items.Add(errorMessage.Source)    Case "server.SqlRowCount"  ListBox1.Items.Add("Printing Sql Row count returned")  ListBox1.Items.Add("The type of the row count element in obj array is: ")  ListBox1.Items.Add(response(i).ToString())  ListBox1.Items.Add("Row count =")  rowCount = response(i)  ListBox1.Items.Add(rowCount.Count)    Case "server.SqlParameter"  ListBox1.Items.Add("Printing output params:")  ListBox1.Items.Add("The type of the corresponding  obj array element is: ")  ListBox1.Items.Add(response(i).ToString())  ListBox1.Items.Add("Outparam name is :")  outParam = response(i)  ListBox1.Items.Add(outParam.Name)  ListBox1.Items.Add("Outparam value is :")  ListBox1.Items.Add(outParam.Value)End Select  Next