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System Calls

The following functions are Windows operating system calls.

System Call Functions



.NET Framework equivalent


Release resources from previous find operations

Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.

_findfirst, _findfirst32, _findfirst64, _findfirsti64, _findfirst32i64, _findfirst64i32, _wfindfirst, _wfindfirst32, _wfindfirst64, _wfindfirsti64, _wfindfirst32i64, _wfindfirst64i32

Find file with specified attributes


_findnext, _findnext32, _findnext64, _findnexti64, _findnext32i64, _findnext64i32, _wfindnext, _wfindnext32, _wfindnexti64, _wfindnext64, _wfindnexti64

Find next file with specified attributes

Not applicable. To call the standard C function, use PInvoke. For more information, see Platform Invoke Examples.

See Also


Run-Time Routines by Category

File Handling

Directory Control

Low-Level I/O