Vytváranie inteligentných aplikácií
17. 3., 21 - 21. 3., 10
Pripojte sa k sérii meetup a vytvorte škálovateľné riešenia AI na základe prípadov reálneho používania so spolupracovníkmi a odborníkmi.
Zaregistrovať saTento prehliadač už nie je podporovaný.
Inovujte na Microsoft Edge a využívajte najnovšie funkcie, aktualizácie zabezpečenia a technickú podporu.
You can deploy AKS Edge Essentials on either a single machine or on multiple machines. In a single machine Kubernetes deployment, both the Kubernetes control node and worker node run on the same machine. This article describes how to create the Kubernetes control node on your machine on a private network.
Set up your primary machine as described in Set up machine.
You can generate the parameters you need to create a single machine cluster using the following command:
New-AksEdgeConfig -DeploymentType SingleMachineCluster -outFile .\aksedge-config.json | Out-Null
This command creates a configuration file called aksedge-config.json that includes the configuration needed to create a single-machine cluster with a Linux node. The file is created in your current working directory. See the following examples for more options for creating the configuration file.
See Deployment JSON configuration for a detailed description of the configuration parameters.
The key parameters for single machine deployment are:
: This parameter defines the deployment type and is specified as SingleMachineCluster
by default is flannel
. This is the default for a K3S cluster. If you're using a K8S cluster, change the CNI to calico
, LinuxNode.MemoryInMB
, LinuxNode.DataSizeInGB
, WindowsNode.CpuCount
, WindowsNode.MemoryInMB
, Init.ServiceIPRangeSize
, and Network.InternetDisabled
cmdlet to deploy a single-machine AKS Edge cluster with a single Linux control-plane node:New-AksEdgeDeployment -JsonConfigFilePath .\aksedge-config.json
The Kubernetes pod cidr
for K3s and
for K8s. The Kubernetes service cidr
for K3s and
for K8s.
Confirm that the deployment was successful by running:
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl get pods -A -o wide
The following image shows pods on a K3S cluster:
Windows worker nodes is an experimental feature in this release. We are actively working on this feature.
If you want to add a Windows node to an existing Linux only single machine cluster, first create the configuration file using the following command:
New-AksEdgeScaleConfig -ScaleType AddNode -NodeType Windows -outFile .\ScaleConfig.json | Out-Null
This creates the configuration file ScaleConfig.json in the current working directory. You can also modify the Windows node parameters in the configuration file to specify the resources that need to be allocated to the Windows node. With the configuration file, you can run the following command to add the node the single machine cluster:
Add-AksEdgeNode -JsonConfigFilePath .\ScaleConfig.json
You can programmatically edit the JSON object and pass it as a string:
$jsonObj = New-AksEdgeConfig -DeploymentType SingleMachineCluster
$jsonObj.User.AcceptEula = $true
$jsonObj.User.AcceptOptionalTelemetry = $true
$jsonObj.Init.ServiceIpRangeSize = 10
$machine = $jsonObj.Machines[0]
$machine.LinuxNode.CpuCount = 4
$machine.LinuxNode.MemoryInMB = 4096
New-AksEdgeDeployment -JsonConfigString ($jsonObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4)
See Deployment JSON configuration for all available options, including network settings such as proxy settings.
You can create a simple cluster with no service IPs (ServiceIPRangeSize
set as 0):
New-AksEdgeDeployment -JsonConfigString (New-AksEdgeConfig | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4)
To connect to Arc and deploy your apps with GitOps, allocate four CPUs or more for the LinuxNode.CpuCount
(processing power), 4 GB or more for LinuxNode.MemoryinMB
(RAM), and to assign a number greater than 0 to the ServiceIpRangeSize
. Here, we allocate 10 IP addresses for your Kubernetes services:
"SchemaVersion": "1.5",
"Version": "1.0",
"DeploymentType": "SingleMachineCluster",
"Init": {
"ServiceIPRangeSize": 10
"Network": {
"NetworkPlugin": "flannel"
"User": {
"AcceptEula": true,
"AcceptOptionalTelemetry": true
"Machines": [
"LinuxNode": {
"CpuCount": 4,
"MemoryInMB": 4096
AKS Edge Essentials allocates IP addresses from your internal switch to run your Kubernetes services if you specified a ServiceIPRangeSize
You can also choose to pass the parameters as a JSON string, as previously described:
$jsonObj = New-AksEdgeConfig -DeploymentType SingleMachineCluster
$jsonObj.User.AcceptEula = $true
$jsonObj.User.AcceptOptionalTelemetry = $true
$jsonObj.Init.ServiceIpRangeSize = 10
$machine = $jsonObj.Machines[0]
$machine.LinuxNode.CpuCount = 4
$machine.LinuxNode.MemoryInMB = 4096
New-AksEdgeDeployment -JsonConfigString ($jsonObj | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4)
You can create a cluster with both Linux and Windows nodes. You can create the configuration file using the command:
New-AksEdgeConfig -DeploymentType SingleMachineCluster -NodeType LinuxAndWindows -outFile .\aksedge-config.json | Out-Null
Once the configuration file is created, you can deploy your cluster using the following command:
New-AksEdgeDeployment -JsonConfigFilePath .\aksedge-config.json
Vytváranie inteligentných aplikácií
17. 3., 21 - 21. 3., 10
Pripojte sa k sérii meetup a vytvorte škálovateľné riešenia AI na základe prípadov reálneho používania so spolupracovníkmi a odborníkmi.
Zaregistrovať saŠkolenie
Stellen Sie AKS Edge Essentials in einem Single Machine K3S-Cluster mit einem Linux- und Windows-Knoten bereit.
Microsoft Certified: Windows Server Hybrid Administrator Associate - Certifications
Als Windows Server-Hybridadministrator*in integrieren Sie Windows Server-Umgebungen mit Azure-Diensten und verwalten Windows Server in lokalen Netzwerken.
Deinstallieren von AKS Edge Essentials - AKS enabled by Azure Arc
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie AKS Edge Essentials deinstallieren.
Schritte zum Vorbereiten Ihres Computers für AKS Edge Essentials - AKS enabled by Azure Arc
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Computer auf AKS Edge Essentials-Cluster vorbereiten.
Schnellstart für AKS Edge Essentials - AKS enabled by Azure Arc
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie einen AKS Edge Essentials-Cluster aufrufen und mit Azure Arc verbinden.