Vytváranie aplikácií a agentov umelej inteligencie
17. 3., 21 - 21. 3., 10
Pripojte sa k sérii meetup a vytvorte škálovateľné riešenia AI na základe prípadov reálneho používania so spolupracovníkmi a odborníkmi.
Zaregistrovať saTento prehliadač už nie je podporovaný.
Inovujte na Microsoft Edge a využívajte najnovšie funkcie, aktualizácie zabezpečenia a technickú podporu.
Today's web apps are expected to be available all day, every day from anywhere in the world, and usable from virtually any device or screen size. Web applications must be secure, flexible, and scalable to meet spikes in demand.
This article provides an overview of Azure web app technologies, guidance, solution ideas, and reference architectures.
Azure provides a wide range of tools and capabilities for creating, hosting, and monitoring web apps. These are just some of the key web app services available in Azure:
If you're new to creating and hosting web apps on Azure, the best way to learn more is with Microsoft Learn training. This free online platform provides interactive training for Microsoft products and more.
These are a few good starting points to consider:
Consider these patterns, guidelines, and architectures as you plan and implement your deployment:
For a good overview, see Characteristics of modern web applications.
For information specific to Azure App Service, see:
The following sections, organized by category, provide links to sample web app architectures.
Get the latest updates on Azure web app products and features.
Here are some additional implementations to consider:
Vytváranie aplikácií a agentov umelej inteligencie
17. 3., 21 - 21. 3., 10
Pripojte sa k sérii meetup a vytvorte škálovateľné riešenia AI na základe prípadov reálneho používania so spolupracovníkmi a odborníkmi.
Zaregistrovať saŠkolenie
Študijný program
AZ-204: Implement Azure App Service web apps - Training
Learn how Azure App Service functions and how to create and update an app. Explore App Service authentication and authorization, configuring app settings, scale apps, and how to use deployment slots.
Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate - Certifications
Build end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure to create Azure Functions, implement and manage web apps, develop solutions utilizing Azure storage, and more.