When you deploy Azure IoT Operations, you install a suite of services on an Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes cluster. This article provides an overview of the different deployment options to consider for your scenario.
Supported environments
Microsoft supports the following environments for Azure IoT Operations deployments.
Minimum version
K3s on Ubuntu 24.04
K3s version 1.31.1
General availability
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Edge Essentials on Windows 11 IoT Enterprise
Public preview
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) on Azure Local
Azure Stack HCI OS, version 23H2, build 2411
Public preview
Billing usage records are collected on any environment where Azure IoT Operations is installed, regardless of support or availability levels.
To install Azure IoT Operations, have the following hardware requirements available for Azure IoT Operations. If you're using a multi-node cluster that enables fault tolerance, scale up to the recommended capacity for better performance.
Hardware memory capacity (RAM)
Available memory for Azure IoT Operations (RAM)
Depends on usage
4 vCPUs
8 vCPUs
Choose your features
Azure IoT Operations offers two deployment modes. You can choose to deploy with test settings, a basic subset of features that are simpler to get started with for evaluation scenarios. Or, you can choose to deploy with secure settings, the full feature set.
Test settings deployment
A deployment with only test settings:
Doesn't configure secrets or user-assigned managed identity capabilities.
Is meant to enable the end-to-end quickstart sample for evaluation purposes, so supports the OPC PLC simulator and connects to cloud resources using system-assigned managed identity.
At any point, you can upgrade an Azure IoT Operations instance to use secure settings by following the steps in Enable secure settings.
Secure settings deployment
A deployment with secure settings:
Enables secrets and user-assignment managed identity, both of which are important capabilities for developing a production-ready scenario. Secrets are used whenever Azure IoT Operations components connect to a resource outside of the cluster; for example, an OPC UA server or a data flow endpoint.
To deploy Azure IoT Operations with secure settings, follow these articles:
The following table describes Azure IoT Operations deployment and management tasks that require elevated permissions. For information about assigning roles to users, see Steps to assign an Azure role.
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions at the resource group level.
Create secrets in Key Vault
Key Vault Secrets Officer role at the resource level.
Only required for secure settings deployment.
Enable resource sync rules on an Azure IoT Operations instance
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions at the resource group level.
Resource sync rules are disabled by default, but can be enabled as part of the az iot ops create command.
If you use the Azure CLI to assign roles, use the az role assignment create command to give permissions. For example, az role assignment create --assignee sp_name --role "Role Based Access Control Administrator" --scope subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup
If you use the Azure portal to assign privileged admin roles to a user or principal, you're prompted to restrict access using conditions. For this scenario, select the Allow user to assign all roles condition in the Add role assignment page.
Organize instances by using sites
Azure IoT Operations supports Azure Arc sites for organizing instances. A site is a cluster resource in Azure like a resource group, but sites typically group instances by physical location and make it easier for OT users to locate and manage assets. An IT administrator creates sites and scopes them to a subscription or resource group. Then, any Azure IoT Operations deployed to an Arc-enabled cluster is automatically collected in the site associated with its subscription or resource group
Plan and execute an endpoint deployment strategy, using essential elements of modern management, co-management approaches, and Microsoft Intune integration.