Configure encryption of broker internal traffic and internal certificates
Ensuring the security of internal communications within your infrastructure is important to maintain data integrity and confidentiality. You can configure the MQTT broker to encrypt internal traffic and data. Encryption certificates are automatically managed by using the credential manager.
Encrypt internal traffic
This setting requires that you modify the Broker resource. It's configured only at initial deployment by using the Azure CLI or the Azure portal. A new deployment is required if Broker configuration changes are needed. To learn more, see Customize default Broker.
The encrypt internal traffic feature is used to encrypt the internal traffic in transit between the MQTT broker frontend and backend pods. It's enabled by default when you deploy Azure IoT Operations.
To disable encryption, modify the advanced.encryptInternalTraffic setting in the Broker resource. You can do this step only by using the --broker-config-file flag during the deployment of IoT Operations with the az iot ops create command.
Disabling encryption can improve MQTT broker performance. To protect against security threats like man-in-the-middle attacks, we strongly recommend that you keep this setting enabled. Disable encryption only in controlled nonproduction environments for testing.
Then, deploy IoT Operations by using the az iot ops create command with the --broker-config-file flag, like the following command. (Other parameters are omitted for brevity.)
Azure CLI
az iot ops create ... --broker-config-file<FILE>.json
Internal certificates
When encryption is enabled, the MQTT broker uses cert-manager to generate and manage the certificates used for encrypting the internal traffic. Cert-manager automatically renews certificates when they expire. You can configure certificate settings like duration, when to renew, and the private key algorithm in the Broker resource. Currently, changing the certificate settings is supported only by using the --broker-config-file flag when you deploy IoT Operations by using the az iot ops create command.
For example, to set the certificate duration to 240 hours, the renewBefore time to 45 minutes, and the privateKeyalgorithm to RSA 2048, prepare a Broker configuration file in JSON format:
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