
Specifies properties of the Visual Studio shell.

public enum class __VSHPROPID7


Name Value Description
VSHPROPID_CanDeployQuickCheck -2158

T_I4 [optional] Returns a _VSQuickCheckAnswer that determines whether the given project can perform deploying via IVsDeployableProjectCfg.The absence of this property is equivalent to returning QCA_QuickAnswerNA: the caller must call IVsDeployableProjectCfg to see if building is possible. QCA_Always: feature is always enabled; QCA_Yes: feature is enabled now; QCA_No: feature is not enabled now; QCA_Never: feature is not implemented. Returning QCA_Never/No does not stop all callers from accessing and using the project's IVsDeployableProjectCfg interface.

VSHPROPID_CanDebugLaunchQuickCheck -2157

VT_I4 [optional] Returns a _VSQuickCheckAnswer regarding if the given project can perform F5 debug launch via IVsDebuggableProjectCfg.The absence of this property is equivalent to returning QCA_QuickAnswerNA: the caller must call IVsDebuggableProjectCfg to see if building is possible. QCA_Always: feature is always enabled; QCA_Yes: feature is enabled now; QCA_No: feature is not enabled now; QCA_Never: feature is not implemented. Returning QCA_Never/No does not stop all callers from accessing and using the project's IVsDebuggableProjectCfg interface.

VSHPROPID_CanBuildQuickCheck -2156

VT_I4 [optional] Returns a _VSQuickCheckAnswer that determines whether the given project can perform building via IVsBuildableProjectCfg. This property can be used as a quick test to know if build-related features should be enabled.The absence of this property is equivalent to returning QCA_QuickAnswerNA: the caller must call IVsBuildableProjectCfg to see if building is possible. QCA_Always: feature is always enabled; QCA_Yes: feature is enabled now; QCA_No: feature is not enabled now; QCA_Never: feature is not implemented. Returning QCA_Never/No does not stop all callers from accessing and using the project's IVsBuildableProjectCfg interface.

VSHPROPID_ExcludeFromMoveFileToProjectUI -2155

VT_BOOL [optional] Returns true if the given project wants to be excluded from participating with cmdidMoveFileToProjectXXX commands.

VSHPROPID_IsSharedItemsImportFile -2154

VT_BOOL [optional] Returns true if the given item represents the MSBuild file that imports the shared items.

VSHPROPID_SharedAssetsProject -2153

VT_UNKNOWN [optional] Returns the implementation of IVsSharedAssetsProject for the given shared project hierarchy. The item ID should be VSITEMID_ROOT.

VSHPROPID_SharedProjectHierarchy -2152

VT_UNKNOWN [optional] Returns the actual owning shared project hierarchy of the given shared item. Note: The item ID should be the ID of a shared item. If the given item is already an item in a shared assets project, then it returns this shared assets project.

VSHPROPID_MSBuildImportsStorage -2150

VT_UNKNOWN [optional] Returns the implementation of IVsMSBuildImportsStorage for a project.

VSHPROPID_OneAppCapabilities -2149

VT_BSTR [optional] Returns the "one app" capabilities. When they include "Migration" or "Add Platform", they are used to pick the right template using ApplyTo metadata from templates.

VSHPROPID_IsSharedFolder -2148

VT_BOOL [optional] Returns true if the given item represents the folder node as an ancestor of shared items.

VSHPROPID_DeploymentRelativePath -2147

VT_BSTR [optional] Gets the deployment relative path of the given item. The deployment relative path is the file location relative to the package directory, when the given file is deployed.

VSHPROPID_ProjectTreeCapabilities -2146

VT_BSTR [optional] Provides a space-delimited list of project tree node capabilities. Note: Unlike VSHPROPID_ProjectCapabilities, which is available only on the Project Root node, this property is allowed on every node.

VSHPROPID_SharedItemsImportFullPaths -2145

VT_BSTR [optional] Provides a vertical bar ('|') delimited list of the full paths of the "Shared.items" project files that have been imported by the project. Note: This property does not return "Shared.items" files for Shared Folder nodes that manage their shared MSBuild file as a nested hierarchy implementation.

VSHPROPID_ShortSubcaption -2144

VT_BSTR [optional] The short version of VSHPROPID_Subcaption.

VSHPROPID_SharedItemContextHierarchy -2143

VT_UNKNOWN [optional] Gets or sets the contextual IVsHierarchy for the items that are shared by other projects. It is used for sharing scenarios, for example, when a document is shared across projects. When someone edits that document, one project must be selected as the context to offer to IntelliSense. The currently-selected project hierarchy could be retrieved or changed via this property on the master owning project hierarchy. Note this property is per-project in the current implementation, GetProperty/SetProperty must be invoked on the root node.

VSHPROPID_IsSharedItem -2142

VT_BOOL [optional] If this returns true, this item is imported from another project file that is shared across projects. Otherwise it returns false. A shared item is special. It is added to this importing project hierarchy as a hidden linked file, so it is enumerable via VSHPROPID_FirstChild and VSHPROPID_NextSibling, but it cannot be mutated by this importing project.


Introduced in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2. To reference the correct assembly version, see Referencing Assemblies Delivered in the Visual Studio 2013 SDK Update 2.

Applies to

Produkt Verzie
Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022