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TrustSection.HostSecurityPolicyResolverType Property


Gets or sets the custom security-policy resolution type.

 property System::String ^ HostSecurityPolicyResolverType { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
[System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("hostSecurityPolicyResolverType", DefaultValue="")]
public string HostSecurityPolicyResolverType { get; set; }
[<System.Configuration.ConfigurationProperty("hostSecurityPolicyResolverType", DefaultValue="")>]
member this.HostSecurityPolicyResolverType : string with get, set
Public Property HostSecurityPolicyResolverType As String

Property Value

The custom security-policy resolution type.



If HostSecurityPolicyResolverType is an empty string, the application uses ASP.NET default policy to determine an assembly's permissions. The default policy for evaluating permissions grants full trust to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) assemblies and partial trust to the other assemblies.

This attribute cannot be set to a null value.

Applies to