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XPathNavigator.CanEdit Property


Gets a value that indicates whether the XPathNavigator can edit the underlying XML data.

 virtual property bool CanEdit { bool get(); };
public virtual bool CanEdit { get; }
member this.CanEdit : bool
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property CanEdit As Boolean

Property Value

true if the XPathNavigator can edit the underlying XML data; otherwise, false.


The following example uses the CanEdit property to display the CanEdit values of the XPathDocument and XmlDocument classes.

XPathDocument^ readOnlyDocument = gcnew XPathDocument("books.xml");
XPathNavigator^ readOnlyNavigator = readOnlyDocument->CreateNavigator();

XmlDocument^ editableDocument = gcnew XmlDocument();
XPathNavigator^ editableNavigator = editableDocument->CreateNavigator();

Console::WriteLine("XPathNavigator.CanEdit from XPathDocument: {0}", readOnlyNavigator->CanEdit);
Console::WriteLine("XPathNavigator.CanEdit from XmlDocument: {0}", editableNavigator->CanEdit);
XPathDocument readOnlyDocument = new XPathDocument("books.xml");
XPathNavigator readOnlyNavigator = readOnlyDocument.CreateNavigator();

XmlDocument editableDocument = new XmlDocument();
XPathNavigator editableNavigator = editableDocument.CreateNavigator();

Console.WriteLine("XPathNavigator.CanEdit from XPathDocument: {0}", readOnlyNavigator.CanEdit);
Console.WriteLine("XPathNavigator.CanEdit from XmlDocument: {0}", editableNavigator.CanEdit);
Dim readOnlyDocument As XPathDocument = New XPathDocument("books.xml")
Dim readOnlyNavigator As XPathNavigator = readOnlyDocument.CreateNavigator()

Dim editableDocument As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
Dim editableNavigator As XPathNavigator = editableDocument.CreateNavigator()

Console.WriteLine("XPathNavigator.CanEdit from XPathDocument: {0}", readOnlyNavigator.CanEdit)
Console.WriteLine("XPathNavigator.CanEdit from XmlDocument: {0}", editableNavigator.CanEdit)

The example takes the books.xml file as an input.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>   
    <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981-03-22" ISBN="1-861003-11-0">  
        <title>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title>  
    <book genre="novel" publicationdate="1967-11-17" ISBN="0-201-63361-2">  
        <title>The Confidence Man</title>  
    <book genre="philosophy" publicationdate="1991-02-15" ISBN="1-861001-57-6">  
        <title>The Gorgias</title>  


The CanEdit property has different values based on the three different implementations of the IXPathNavigable interface in .NET. The CanEdit values for XPathNavigator objects created by each implementation are listed in the following table.

IXPathNavigable Implementation CanEdit Value
XPathDocument false
XmlDocument true

Applies to