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Engage with Microsoft Dynamics support

Need help? To raise your query, choose from the following options.

Operations and Order Management support

  • Chat online with Order Management

    Use the chat if you have a simple query such as an order query—for example, need help placing an order?

  • Log Ticket with Order Management

    Use the ticket tool in PartnerSource if you have a complex query that requires deeper investigation by an agent. Complex queries such as:

    • License value changes
    • Order mistakes
    • Account queries

    Also use the ticket tool if you need to submit documents or have questions regarding your agreements with Microsoft Dynamics.

    We work to solve your request within 24 hours.

    ​For ISV module registration requests, including requests to register existing Dynamics NAV ISV modules on Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises, expect a turnaround time of 30 days.​​

Systems and tool support-PSBC and Order Central

  • Dynamics Website Tool Support

    Contact our IT support in English (include screenshots) if you experience any of the following issues in PartnerSource, PSBC, or Order Central:

    • "Our Apologies…" message in PartnerSource, PSBC, or Order Central.
    • Customer not visible in PSBC or MyMessages.
    • PSBC Admin unable to amend permissions and roles for other colleagues.
    • Missing invoices–not available for download after 24 hours from invoicing.
    • Orders stuck in "Process" stage in Order Central for more than 10 minutes.

Presales and licensing support

Contact your local or regional Microsoft office to get presales and licensing support:

  • How much to purchase, how to purchase (which channel), or what to purchase.

For specific customer licensing requirements contact:

For Cloud Solutions (Azure or Dynamics 365):

Channel Incentives – CSA fees

  • Log Ticket with CSA Fees team

    • If you have questions on how to process a claim or why a claim isn't going through, log an inquiry with the CSA Fee team.
    • Choose Support Query, Reason (not the first three options that bring you to Order Management).

Microsoft Credit Services

Technical product/software support

  • Product Support

    If you experience issues with the product when installing, customizing, executing functions, contact our Technical Product Support team.

    If you have AX2012 but don't have any incidents left or are on prepayment, choose the Dynamics AX Business Value (2012) option, not Dynamics AX 2012.


    If you get permission errors on NAV objects, please log a ticket with the Operations Team. Provide a screenshot of the error and the specific object number.

Microsoft Partner Network