Work with Azure Blob storage - Training
Learn how to use the Azure Blob storage client library to create and update Blob storage resources.
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The XGameSave API is designed to enable creating, loading, saving and managing game related states. The primary difference between this and previous implementations is that this will provide a flat API with access to an Asynchronous Programming Model that allows the caller to control the threading and memory management of how the API behaves.
Function | Description |
XGameSaveBlobInfoCallback | Callback function to retrieve the results of XGameSaveEnumerateBlobInfo. |
XGameSaveCloseContainer | Closes the XGameSaveContainer. |
XGameSaveCloseProvider | Releases resources held by the XGameSaveProvider. |
XGameSaveCloseUpdate | Closes a XGameSaveUpdate. |
XGameSaveContainerInfoCallback | The callback function for a call made to XGameSaveGetContainerInfo. |
XGameSaveCreateContainer | Creates a XGameSaveContainer handle. |
XGameSaveCreateUpdate | Creates an update which will later be submitted by calling XGameSaveSubmitUpdate. |
XGameSaveDeleteContainer | Deletes a XGameSaveContainer from cloud storage. |
XGameSaveDeleteContainerAsync | Deletes a XGameSaveContainer asynchronously. |
XGameSaveDeleteContainerResult | Retrieves the result of a XGameSaveDeleteContainerAsync call, use this function to check the success of the call. |
XGameSaveEnumerateBlobInfo | Retrieves the blob info for the contents of a XGameSaveContainer. |
XGameSaveEnumerateBlobInfoByName | Retrieves the blob info for the contents of a XGameSaveContainer limited to the blobs which share a prefix with the blobNamePrefix parameter. |
XGameSaveEnumerateContainerInfo | Retrieves the container info for a XGameSaveProvider. |
XGameSaveEnumerateContainerInfoByName | Retrieves the container info for a XGameSaveProvider. |
XGameSaveGetContainerInfo | Retrieves info for the containers in a XGameSaveProvider. |
XGameSaveGetRemainingQuota | Returns the amount of data available to store using the XGameSave api. |
XGameSaveGetRemainingQuotaAsync | Returns the amount of data available to store using the XGameSave api asynchronously. |
XGameSaveGetRemainingQuotaResult | Retrieves the results of the XGameSaveGetRemainingQuotaAsync function. |
XGameSaveInitializeProvider | Provides and initializes a XGameSave Provider handle. |
XGameSaveInitializeProviderAsync | Provides and initializes an XGameSave Provider handle asynchronously. |
XGameSaveInitializeProviderResult | Contains the results of a XGameSaveInitializeProviderAsync call. |
XGameSaveReadBlobData | Reads the blob data for a container. |
XGameSaveReadBlobDataAsync | Read XGameSaveBlob data from a XGameSaveContainer asynchronously. |
XGameSaveReadBlobDataResult | Retrieves the results of a XGameSaveReadBlobDataAsync call. |
XGameSaveSubmitBlobDelete | Adds a delete action to a game save XGameSaveUpdate. |
XGameSaveSubmitBlobWrite | Adds a write action to a XGameSaveUpdate. |
XGameSaveSubmitUpdate | Submit an update to the XGameSave service. Updates blobs within a container. |
XGameSaveSubmitUpdateAsync | Submit an update to the XGameSave service asynchronously. Updates blobs within a container. |
XGameSaveSubmitUpdateResult | Retrieves the result of the XGameSaveSubmitUpdateAsync call. |
Structure | Description |
XGameSaveBlob | Unit of information for XGameSave storage. Resides within a XGameSaveContainer. |
XGameSaveBlobInfo | Information about the XGameSaveBlob. |
XGameSaveContainerInfo | Information about a XGameSaveContainer. |
Work with Azure Blob storage - Training
Learn how to use the Azure Blob storage client library to create and update Blob storage resources.