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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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Inovujte na Microsoft Edge a využívajte najnovšie funkcie, aktualizácie zabezpečenia a technickú podporu.
These are the latest features in the Stable release of Microsoft Edge DevTools.
When using Copilot to help explain errors that are shown in the Console, a Possible solution section has been added, below the error explanation:
In previous releases, when pressing the Ctrl+] and Ctrl+[ keyboard shortcuts, the next tool's tab in the Activity Bar wasn't selected and the Activity Bar wouldn't update, so it looked like the previous tool was still selected, even though the content of the panel changed to show the correct content for the next tool. For example, suppose that initially, the Elements tool's tab and panel content are displayed:
After pressing Ctrl+] or Ctrl+[ to move through the tool tabs on the Activity Bar, the Elements tab remained highlighted, incorrectly, although the Network tool's content was correctly displayed:
This issue has been fixed in Microsoft Edge 122; the correct tool tab is highlighted.
When using high-contrast mode, icons were missing, had the wrong background color, or didn't work, throughout DevTools. In Microsoft Edge 122, these icons are correctly displayed in high-contrast mode.
Microsoft Edge 122 also includes the following updates from the Chromium project:
Študijný program
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization