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Egress and endpoints in Azure Digital Twins


A new version of the Azure Digital Twins service has been released. In light of the new service's expanded capabilities, the original Azure Digital Twins service (described in this documentation set) has been retired.

To view the documentation for the new service, visit the active Azure Digital Twins Documentation.

Azure Digital Twins endpoints represent a message or event broker within a user's Azure subscription. Events and messages can be sent to Azure Event Hubs, Azure Event Grid, and Azure Service Bus topics.

Events are routed to endpoints according to predefined routing preferences. Users specify which event types each endpoint may receive.

To learn more about events, routing, and event types, refer to Routing events and messages in Azure Digital Twins.


Events are sent by IoT objects (such as devices and sensors) for processing by Azure message and event brokers. Events are defined by the following Azure Event Grid event schema reference.

  "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "subject": "ExtendedPropertyKey",
  "data": {
    "SpacesToNotify": [
    "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "Type": "ExtendedPropertyKey",
    "AccessType": "Create"
  "eventType": "TopologyOperation",
  "eventTime": "2018-04-17T17:41:54.9400177Z",
  "dataVersion": "1",
  "metadataVersion": "1",
  "topic": "/subscriptions/YOUR_TOPIC_NAME"
Attribute Type Description
id string Unique identifier for the event.
subject string Publisher-defined path to the event subject.
data object Event data specific to the resource provider.
eventType string One of the registered event types for this event source.
eventTime string The time the event is generated based on the provider's UTC time.
dataVersion string The schema version of the data object. The publisher defines the schema version.
metadataVersion string The schema version of the event metadata. Event Grid defines the schema of the top-level properties. Event Grid provides this value.
topic string Full resource path to the event source. This field isn't writeable. Event Grid provides this value.

For more information about the Event Grid event schema:

Event types

Events types classify the nature of the event and are set in the eventType field. Available event types are given by the following list:

  • TopologyOperation
  • UdfCustom
  • SensorChange
  • SpaceChange
  • DeviceMessage

The event formats for each event type are further described in the following subsections.


TopologyOperation applies to graph changes. The subject property specifies the type of object affected. The following types of objects might trigger this event:

  • Device
  • DeviceBlobMetadata
  • DeviceExtendedProperty
  • ExtendedPropertyKey
  • ExtendedType
  • KeyStore
  • Report
  • RoleDefinition
  • Sensor
  • SensorBlobMetadata
  • SensorExtendedProperty
  • Space
  • SpaceBlobMetadata
  • SpaceExtendedProperty
  • SpaceResource
  • SpaceRoleAssignment
  • System
  • User
  • UserBlobMetadata
  • UserExtendedProperty


  "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "subject": "ExtendedPropertyKey",
  "data": {
    "SpacesToNotify": [
    "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
      "Type": "ExtendedPropertyKey",
    "AccessType": "Create"
  "eventType": "TopologyOperation",
  "eventTime": "2018-04-17T17:41:54.9400177Z",
  "dataVersion": "1",
  "metadataVersion": "1",
  "topic": "/subscriptions/YOUR_TOPIC_NAME"
Value Replace with
YOUR_TOPIC_NAME The name of your customized topic


UdfCustom is an event sent by a user-defined function (UDF).


This event must be explicitly sent from the UDF itself.


  "id": "568fd394-380b-46fa-925a-ebb96f658cce",
  "subject": "UdfCustom",
  "data": {
    "TopologyObjectId": "7c799bfc-1bff-4b9e-b15a-669933969d20",
    "ResourceType": "Space",
    "Payload": "\"Room is not available or air quality is poor\"",
    "CorrelationId": "568fd394-380b-46fa-925a-ebb96f658cce"
  "eventType": "UdfCustom",
  "eventTime": "2018-10-02T06:50:15.198Z",
  "dataVersion": "1.0",
  "metadataVersion": "1",
  "topic": "/subscriptions/YOUR_TOPIC_NAME"
Value Replace with
YOUR_TOPIC_NAME The name of your customized topic


SensorChange is an update to a sensor's state based on telemetry changes.


  "id": "60bf5336-2929-45b4-bb4c-b45699dfe95f",
  "subject": "SensorChange",
  "data": {
    "Type": "Classic",
    "DataType": "Motion",
    "Id": "60bf5336-2929-45b4-bb4c-b45699dfe95f",
    "Value": "False",
    "PreviousValue": "True",
    "EventTimestamp": "2018-04-17T17:46:15.4964262Z",
    "MessageType": "sensor",
    "Properties": {
      "ms-client-request-id": "c9e576b7-5eea-4f61-8617-92a57add5179",
      "ms-activity-id": "ct22YwXEGJ5u.605.0"
  "eventType": "SensorChange",
  "eventTime": "2018-04-17T17:46:18.5452993Z",
  "dataVersion": "1",
  "metadataVersion": "1",
  "topic": "/subscriptions/YOUR_TOPIC_NAME"
Value Replace with
YOUR_TOPIC_NAME The name of your customized topic


SpaceChange is an update to a space's state based on telemetry changes.


  "id": "42522e10-b1aa-42ff-a5e7-7181788ffc4b",
  "subject": "SpaceChange",
  "data": {
    "Type": null,
    "DataType": "AvailableAndFresh",
    "Id": "7c799bfc-1bff-4b9e-b15a-669933969d20",
    "Value": "Room is not available or air quality is poor",
    "PreviousValue": null,
    "RawData": null,
    "transactionId": null,
    "EventTimestamp": null,
    "MessageType": null,
    "Properties": null,
    "CorrelationId": "42522e10-b1aa-42ff-a5e7-7181788ffc4b"
  "eventType": "SpaceChange",
  "eventTime": "2018-10-02T06:50:20.128Z",
  "dataVersion": "1.0",
  "metadataVersion": "1",
  "topic": "/subscriptions/YOUR_TOPIC_NAME"
Value Replace with
YOUR_TOPIC_NAME The name of your customized topic


By using DeviceMessage, you can specify an EventHub connection to which raw telemetry events can be routed as well from Azure Digital Twins.


  • DeviceMessage is combinable only with EventHub. You can't combine DeviceMessage with any of the other event types.
  • You can specify only one endpoint of the combination of type EventHub or DeviceMessage.

Configure endpoints

Endpoint management is exercised through the Endpoints API.

In the examples below, YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_URL refers to the URI of the Digital Twins APIs:

Name Replace with
YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME The name of your Azure Digital Twins instance
YOUR_LOCATION The region your instance is hosted on

The following examples demonstrate how to configure the supported endpoints.


Pay careful attention to the eventTypes attribute. It defines which event types are handled by the endpoint and thus determine its routing.

An authenticated HTTP POST request against:

  • Route to Service Bus event types SensorChange, SpaceChange, and TopologyOperation:

      "type": "ServiceBus",
      "eventTypes": [
      "connectionString": "Endpoint=sb://YOUR_NAMESPACE.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY",
      "secondaryConnectionString": "Endpoint=sb://YOUR_NAMESPACE.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY",
      "path": "YOUR_TOPIC_NAME"
    Value Replace with
    YOUR_NAMESPACE The namespace of your endpoint
    YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY The primary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY The secondary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_TOPIC_NAME The name of your customized topic
  • Route to Event Grid event types SensorChange, SpaceChange, and TopologyOperation:

      "type": "EventGrid",
      "eventTypes": [
      "connectionString": "YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY",
      "secondaryConnectionString": "YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY",
      "path": "YOUR_TOPIC_NAME.westus-1.eventgrid.azure.net"
    Value Replace with
    YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY The primary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY The secondary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_TOPIC_NAME The name of your customized topic
  • Route to Event Hubs event types SensorChange, SpaceChange, and TopologyOperation:

      "type": "EventHub",
      "eventTypes": [
      "connectionString": "Endpoint=sb://YOUR_NAMESPACE.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY",
      "secondaryConnectionString": "Endpoint=sb://YOUR_NAMESPACE.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY",
      "path": "YOUR_EVENT_HUB_NAME"
    Value Replace with
    YOUR_NAMESPACE The namespace of your endpoint
    YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY The primary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY The secondary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_EVENT_HUB_NAME The name of your event hub
  • Route to Event Hubs event type DeviceMessage. The inclusion of EntityPath in the connectionString is mandatory:

      "type": "EventHub",
      "eventTypes": [
      "connectionString": "Endpoint=sb://YOUR_NAMESPACE.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY;EntityPath=YOUR_EVENT_HUB_NAME",
      "secondaryConnectionString": "Endpoint=sb://YOUR_NAMESPACE.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY;EntityPath=YOUR_EVENT_HUB_NAME",
      "path": "YOUR_EVENT_HUB_NAME"
    Value Replace with
    YOUR_NAMESPACE The namespace of your endpoint
    YOUR_PRIMARY_KEY The primary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_SECONDARY_KEY The secondary connection string used to authenticate
    YOUR_EVENT_HUB_NAME The name of your event hub


Upon the creation of a new endpoint, it might take up to 5 to 10 minutes to start receiving events at the endpoint.

Primary and secondary connection keys

When a primary connection key becomes unauthorized, the system automatically tries the secondary connection key. That provides a backup and allows the possibility to gracefully authenticate and update the primary key through the Endpoints API.

If both the primary and secondary connection keys are unauthorized, the system enters an exponential back-off wait time of up to 30 minutes. Events are dropped on each triggered back-off wait time.

Whenever the system is in a back-off wait state, updating connections keys through the Endpoints API might take up to 30 minutes to take effect.

Unreachable endpoints

When an endpoint becomes unreachable, the system enters an exponential back-off wait time of up to 30 minutes. Events are dropped on each triggered back-off wait time.

Next steps