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The zIndex attribute specifies or retrieves the order in which the control is rendered.


Possible Values

This attribute is a read/write Number (long) with a default value of zero. The range is that of a signed long integer.


The background bitmap of a VIEW or SUBVIEW has a fixed z index of zero. If you want a control to be behind the background, the zIndex must be set to a negative number.

The z index of a VIEW or SUBVIEW is an absolute index, while the z index of a control is relative to the z index of the VIEW or SUBVIEW that contains it.

The zIndex attribute is not supported by the BROWSER and PLAYLIST elements. It will not work with the VIDEO element if VIDEO.windowless is set to false, nor with the EFFECTS element if EFFECTS.windowed is set to true.

BUTTONELEMENT elements use the zIndex of their BUTTONGROUP.



Windows Media Player version 7.0 or later

See also

Ambient Attributes