1100 XP

Create and manage Active Directory objects

Active Directory

This module focuses on the tasks associated with creating and managing Active Directory objects and AD domain services domain controllers.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you'll be able to:

  • Define users, groups, and computers.

  • Define organizational units.

  • Manage objects and their properties in Active Directory.

  • Create objects in Active Directory.

  • Configure objects in Active Directory.

  • Perform bulk management tasks for user accounts.

  • Maintain Active Directory Domain Services domain controllers.



Knowledge of and experience working with:

  • Windows Server.

  • Core networking technologies.

Modul je súčasťou týchto študijných programov

Hodnotenie modulu

Posúďte svoje znalosti o tomto module. Prihláste sa a správne odpovedzte na všetky otázky, aby ste pre svoj profil získali označenie úspešného absolvovania.

Absolvovať hodnotenie modulu
Poznámka: Autor vytvoril tento modul s pomocou umelej inteligencie. Ďalšie informácie