Installation of earlier versions of an MSIX app package can be performed on a device without prior removal of the application. Triggering an installation of an earlier version of the same application will cause the client to review the app's manifest file contained within the installing MSIX app package. The review of the appxmanifest.xml file will identify delta differences between the currently installed app and the installer being executed on the device. This process maintains the data stored within the appdata folder. Any changes that were made when installing the upgraded version will not be undone if an earlier version of the MSIX app package is installed.
MSIX app attach is a way to deliver MSIX applications to both physical and virtual machines. MSIX app attach is different from regular MSIX because it’s specifically for Azure Virtual Desktop.
This article provides all the details you need to manage deploying you MSIX applications in an enterprise environment. This article is targeted at enterprise and IT Pros.
This article provides all the details you need to manage deploying you MSIX applications in an enteroprise environment. This article is targeted at enterprise and IT developers.