An accepted answer is the answer that the person who asked the question chooses as the one they think best solves their problem.
Only the question author can accept an answer to their question on Microsoft Q&A. Accepting an answer helps other users to know the answer helped the question author and might help them with same or similar problem.
An accepted answer is not always the best or final answer; it just means it solved the problem for the person who asked the question. Other users may prefer different answers depending on their specific needs.
You need to be signed into Q&A.
You need to be the question author.
You can only accept one answer per question.
You can only accept answers from other users.
Accept an answer
Accepting an answer helps other community members to know the answer helped you. It's also a way to thank and recognize the person who helped you.
Go to a question you asked AND that has answers.
Review the answers and select the "Accept answer" button underneath the answer.
The answer is accepted and moved up after the question. The accepted answer has a green frame to visually indicate that it's the accepted answer and the "Accepted answer" label.
Remove an accepted answer
You can change your mind and decide that an answer didn't help you solve your problem. In this case, you can undo the accept answer action.
Go to the question you asked that has the accepted answer.
Select the "Accept answer" button underneath the accepted answer.
You see a dialog asking you if you want to remove the accepted answer.
Select "Yes" and the answer is no longer be accepted.
Change an accepted answer
You might get one or more answers after you accepted the answer. One of them might provide a better way to solve your problem. You can easily change the accepted answer by following these steps.
Go to a question you asked that has the accepted answer AND has at least another answer.
Select the "Accept answer" button underneath the answer that you want to accept.
You see a dialog asking you if you change the accepted answer.
Select "Yes" to make that answer the one accepted.
Increase engagement and reduce time spent searching by creating customized answers like bookmarks, Q&As, and acronyms in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
As a Microsoft Azure solutions architect, you advise stakeholders and translate business requirements into designs for Azure solutions that align with the Azure Well-Architected Framework and Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure.