The panel and gauge side of MS Flight Simulator
I hate to break a long silence with an unhappy note, but here you have it:...
Date: 01/23/2009
One issue that we've seen internally is that some of our needles sometimes appear jagged on our...
Date: 04/23/2008
I just noticed today that our EH-101 has 3 generators (one for each engine), but we only have...
Date: 04/10/2008
I like this video because it demonstrates what I expected to see in FS when I started using it years...
Date: 03/05/2008
At least, I thought it was pretty good. ; )
Date: 02/14/2008
It looks like a common mistake made by people creating XML gauges is to use too many percent signs...
Date: 01/14/2008
In the XPack SDK we added more documentation about the enumerations relating to the GPS, but it...
Date: 11/14/2007
Let's say you're posting to a forum and not getting responses from the person or people who you...
Date: 11/09/2007
Someone was asking about this earlier today, and now that we're not busy getting XPack out the door,...
Date: 11/09/2007
I've gotten some questions about Shared Cockpit over the past months, and I believe that a response...
Date: 11/09/2007
Date: 10/15/2007
Did you know that ctrl-k will disable/enable your joystick in Flight Sim? I didn't. I can imagine...
Date: 09/10/2007
IIRC = "If I remember correctly". And I thought it might have something to do with IMC. :)
Date: 08/19/2007
Because the app refers exclusively to the path in the registry entry:...
Date: 08/19/2007
When you realize that a P-51D is also known as an F-51D sometimes. P = "Pursuit" F = "Fighter" And I...
Date: 08/16/2007
It came to my attention recently (i.e. a few minutes ago) that the panel system seems to set the...
Date: 04/09/2007
On Sunday night I went out to dinner with some friends in the hip Capitol Hill neighborhood (much...
Date: 03/16/2007
Bollywood loves Flight Sim! I'd recommend watching at least to the halfway point......
Date: 03/02/2007
So, our friend Rafael dos Santos pointed out to us last week that there was a bug in the rnor...
Date: 02/27/2007
So, you'd think that STRUCT EYEPOINT DYNAMIC OFFSET might have something to do with the camera...
Date: 02/01/2007
The Flight Simulator SDK describes a method of using FAILURE_RECORDS to fail gauge elements via an...
Date: 01/23/2007
Someone e-mailed tell_fs over the weekend asking if the G1000 in Flight Simulator (deluxe edition)...
Date: 01/22/2007
It's been over a year since I mentioned text in XML gauges (an area where we don't do a good job of...
Date: 12/07/2006
What's that tire-looking thing at the front of this P-12C? It's called a "speed ring cowling for...
Date: 12/01/2006
Yesterday about half of the team attended a special showing of One Six Right in Seattle. The...
Date: 10/27/2006
There's a little-known CustomDraw element (you may or may not already be familiar with the...
Date: 10/03/2006
It's hard to not get a little morale boost from any kind of nomination:...
Date: 05/25/2006
Working from home makes a lot of sense sometimes - like when your commute can be an hour of...
Date: 05/24/2006
Pretty exciting stuff...
Date: 05/22/2006
We were runners-up in the category of "Best Simulation" to Spore, which isn't surprising because...
Date: 05/18/2006
So often, someone comes up with something that sounds cool, but unless it's widely adopted, it's...
Date: 05/18/2006
"WIMPY" - an intersection off the coast of Massachusetts.
Date: 03/29/2006
From the FAA: "Runway threshold markings come in two configurations. They either consist of eight...
Date: 01/24/2006
I just finished reading Hal's copy of Success on the Step. It's a fantastic book and now that it's...
Date: 01/13/2006
FOD = "Foreign Object Damage"
Date: 01/13/2006
We recently (FS Ideas subscribers) got this e-mail (name name of sender omitted). I think it was...
Date: 01/13/2006
Yeah, Lacey already posted this one, but in case you missed it. My housemate is currently addicted...
Date: 01/12/2006
Well, it's certainly been a very long time since I posted anything here, so here we go... For the...
Date: 01/12/2006
Hal recently posted a couple of e-mails sent to FS Ideas that he thought were, um, interesting... So...
Date: 11/29/2005
I finally compiled a list of the GPS vars (most of which are used in the XML for the FS9GPS) and...
Date: 11/26/2005
I meant to mention in my previous post today on color that there are a few gauges that utilize the...
Date: 11/22/2005
Thanks to Raf for sharing this guide to how to write unmaintable code. I haven't read all of it yet...
Date: 11/22/2005
Last night I was thinking about colors when I left work and they were setting up green lights for...
Date: 11/22/2005
Continuing on the theme of displaying text in an XML gauge, I just spent more time than I would like...
Date: 11/17/2005
I thought this might be of interest to some people out there: You can use the %{if}, %{else}, and...
Date: 11/16/2005
Have you ever found yourself making humorous typos? For example, have you ever typed "dev" to jump...
Date: 11/16/2005